Bikes and Yellowstone


New Member
Does anyone know if ebikes are legal in Yellowstone ? We are planning a trip there later this year and would like to ride but my friend can't go far without her ebike . It stinks when you get into your late 60's and just need a little help staying active and they even take that away from a person.

" Bikes are prohibited on backcountry trails and boardwalks. Use extreme caution when riding on park roads; roads are winding and narrow while shoulders are either narrow or nonexistent."

No word that I can see on e bikes but it sounds like riding any bike there is sketchy. There is a 5 minute video on you tube of someone riding an e bike there however:
But it looks like most of that is on the "backcountry trails and boardwalks" previously mentioned as prohibited.

But hey, the way things are going with the Park Service there may not be anyone there to tell you what not to do later this year.
We rented regular bikes last summer near Old Faithful and rode on a pre-planned route given to us by the shop which took us to lots of great sites. It was much more efficient getting to the densely packed geysers in the area as well as getting to the farther spots that would have required cars and dealing with parking. The route was mostly boardwalk with a stretch of gravel trail. It was all manageable unassisted for a crew of inexperienced riders. If you're bringing your ebikes, I doubt it would cause issues, but you could call to be sure. No one was checking for motors or batteries, if that helps.