Just an update for anyone who’s interested. Wife is very happy with new bike, it seems to be better suited for her type of riding.
I took her old bike out as mine’s being serviced and I have to say that the original problem appears to be entirely due to the low cadence that she’s achieving on the bike. I rode it up the same hills but my cadence was 80 to 90 and I had absolutely no problem and plenty of power!
She’s simply not able to achieve these higher cadence values but the gen 4 CX motor seems to deliver the power at lower cadences too.
I took her old bike out as mine’s being serviced and I have to say that the original problem appears to be entirely due to the low cadence that she’s achieving on the bike. I rode it up the same hills but my cadence was 80 to 90 and I had absolutely no problem and plenty of power!
She’s simply not able to achieve these higher cadence values but the gen 4 CX motor seems to deliver the power at lower cadences too.
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