Every measure to prevent theft helps. However, when considering the speed with which a powerful/portable grinder with a cutoff wheel can cut through pretty much anything it becomes clear that any kind of lock can be defeated in a few seconds at most. Don't fall for locksmith suggestions regarding how long it takes to pick a lock. Don't fall for lock X,Y, or Z is the strongest ever nonsense. Don't waste money on expensive locks. An ebike thief doesn't need to bother taking the time to pick a lock. A thief will simply slice the lock, rack, or frame in seconds with a portable grinder or similar. The best defense against bike theft is still common sense. Evaluate risk levels where you need to leave your bike. If the risk is high don't leave it. Remove battery, remove key, use all of the deterrents you have in your bag of tricks(alarms, long multi-looped cheap cable locks, and gps locators are still best). Keep a clear picture of your ebike and your bike's serial number on your phone to provide a description quickly if needed. If you're bike is stolen contact your local authorities. Don't attempt self recovering your property because you're angry and/or think you're tough. Testosterone doesn't stop bullets.
Every measure to prevent theft helps. However, when considering the speed with which a powerful/portable grinder with a cutoff wheel can cut through pretty much anything it becomes clear that any kind of lock can be defeated in a few seconds at most. Don't fall for locksmith suggestions regarding how long it takes to pick a lock. Don't fall for lock X,Y, or Z is the strongest ever nonsense. Don't waste money on expensive locks. An ebike thief doesn't need to bother taking the time to pick a lock. A thief will simply slice the lock, rack, or frame in seconds with a portable grinder or similar. The best defense against bike theft is still common sense. Evaluate risk levels where you need to leave your bike. If the risk is high don't leave it. Remove battery, remove key, use all of the deterrents you have in your bag of tricks(alarms, long multi-looped cheap cable locks, and gps locators are still best). Keep a clear picture of your ebike and your bike's serial number on your phone to provide a description quickly if needed. If you're bike is stolen contact your local authorities. Don't attempt self recovering your property because you're angry and/or think you're tough. Testosterone doesn't stop bullets.
Also very few, IF ANY law enforcement officers will even bother to follow up on a GPS thief complaint. They would still need a warrant to do a search of the suspects premise, and what judge would give a warrant on such evidence?
I got a brake rotor lock similar to this one as a kind of secondary deterrent. The alarm is super-touchy, so it's not great for anywhere like a bike rack where someone might brush up against it. I've forgotten that I put it on almost every time I've used it, but it's really really good at reminding me and the entire block that it is there and loud.

It's small, and not a huge hassle to put on. I'd maybe recommend one of the cheaper non-alarm ones.
After over 1000 miles of riding, I find I now only normally use the cafe lock and maybe the alarm.
I keep my bike near when traveling, so I don't use the heavy Abus U lock. At night I have the use of my garage.
If I plan on being away from the bike in public I would bring the Abus as well, park in public view, attached to post , alarms activated and cafe lock on.

The cafe lock is SOO easy to put on and off, just a little more work that turning a key and the bike can not be ridden.
After over 1000 miles of riding, I find I now only normally use the cafe lock and maybe the alarm.
I keep my bike near when traveling, so I don't use the heavy Abus U lock. At night I have the use of my garage.
If I plan on being away from the bike in public I would bring the Abus as well, park in public view, attached to post , alarms activated and cafe lock on.

The cafe lock is SOO easy to put on and off, just a little more work that turning a key and the bike can not be ridden.
which cafe lock? i didn’t think they were large enough for the fat tire rim + tire.
If I absolutely have to step away from the bike for a length of time, I use 2 locks. One is the type Lectric sells (though I bought it off Amazon, BIGLUFU brand, 1/2 the cost of Lectric's). And then I also throw on a disc brake lock which just clamps on the caliper, and that one sets off a siren if the bike is moved (it's pretty sensitive).