Best Bike for Hauling a Huge Trailer?

Mary Anderson

New Member
Hello everyone,
I do bicycle education in my community, each year we go to 15+ schools and set up a bicycle skills course (similar to a bike rodeo). We haul 8 - 10 bikes, 25 helmets, traffic signs and other supplies. We try, as best we can, to bike to all the elementary schools we visit. We use two trailers from We have the 6 ft trailer and the 9 ft trailer. We'd like to get an e-bike to use with papa bear, the 9 ft trailer.
I hoping to get some suggestions on what bikes to start looking at.

The things I desire in an e-bike are (in no particular order):
disc brakes
will fit a range of riders (5'2" - 5'10")
will fit our trailer hitch (mounts to the chain and seat stays)

Thanks for your suggestions!
2015 Izip E3 Metro: extra storage, plenty of power, sturdy frame, disc brakes, great battery, step - through, not rear heavy,
nationwide support.
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