Battery switch problem


New Member
Hello Guys,

I was starting my second season on the CCX and now running into a battery problem. I rode the bike into December and it was sitting for a bout a month at ~60% charge and now I am starting to ride it again. After a couple of rides this year the battery developed a problem.

The button on the battery does not turn the battery on or off reliably. At the moment it may take a few on/off attempts to get the green light and then if you turn it off the light may continue to glow, sometimes it starts to glow by itself and flickers. The bike has roughly 3500 miles on it and I think is still under warranty for 3 more weeks.
I need to resolve this ASAP :)

Did anybody have a similar problem?
Am I looking at shipping the battery back for repairs?

Thank you
I believe there was another person on this forum who had this issue reported. I've heard from some other users that a new battery showed this behavior. The switch is a piece of S***, and the design of the pack with regards to how the switch functions is substandard for such a powerful battery, I can't believe this passed any standards. For all their talk about batteries I have to say, they don't really know as much about batteries as they pretend too. All they seem to know is bigger is better for e-bikes.
Send an email to Juiced tech support so they open a ticket right away. It's not a fix-it-yourself situation, unless you've got a very specific skill set and access to replacement parts.
Yes. Looks like I'll have to ship the battery cross-country which will take 1 week, wait for 2 weeks and they will ship it back to me which will take another week. 4 weeks min without the bike. And hope that it does not happen again before I need to replace the cells.