Battery range for the 2019 Rover. Excellent results.


New Member
Having purchased 2019 Rover in summer and only putting 17 miles on the bike to test ( absolutely no free time :( ) I finally had the chance to try one of the rides I had in mind when buying the bike. A round trip from Big Pine Key to Key West in the Florida Keys. Its 30 miles each way , and some cruising in Key West for a total of 65 miles. Its basically flat , no wind on the way , a head wind on returning. I had 2 batteries , and used one to the last flashing bar and the second had 2 bars left. Mostly stayed at PAS3 averaging 18-20 mph. Went into PAS5 on way back a few times to help with the bridges. Its a heavy bike and I added some weight with accessories and cargo. It does benefit from the peddle assist , in fact for me on this bike its a nessesity.Bike performed well , it was a lot of fun to ride , and I was more than satisfied with the range provided by the batteries. Beautiful ride ,great weather. I'll be doing the same ride a few more times this time around. Hoping to have better luck finding time to ride when I get home.
The range sounds about right; maybe a little low considering the terrain. Did you use the throttle much, or at all? When that last bar starts blinking, if not before, it's time to swap batteries! How did you carry the extra battery?

The range sounds about right; maybe a little low considering the terrain. Did you use the throttle much, or at all? When that last bar starts blinking, if not before, it's time to swap batteries! How did you carry the extra battery?


The terrain is basically flat except for bridges. Didn't use the throttle at all. I did swap batteries as soon as I noticed the last bar blinking. I have the Rad rear rack. I attached a saddle bag on the back. It has an expandable compartment and will fit the extra battery. The return had a decent head wind. I was getting tired and boosted the PAS to 4 and 5 to help with the bridges. The display shows a more than doubling of watts used , from mid 300s to higher 700s. Also a reasonable amount of extra weight, the rear rack, front rack and basket , extra battery , water , kryptonite lock flat fix stuff. It adds up. If it weren't for the head wind on the return , I would not have been so tired. One thing I'm definitly changing is the seat. Its ok on short hops but uncomfortable with longer ones. I have no reference on battery use but to me 35 miles , at least , @ PAS 3 moving at around 20ish mph is pretty good. I do think , the Rover without the motor assist , at its weight would be difficult and ponderous.