Battery Range Experience for Specialized E-Bikes

The SL1 range estimates are wildly optimistic compared to the more realistic SL2 range estimates.

Sl1 at Turbo/28mph they estimate 40 miles for the 320 watt/hr internal battery, (about 60 percent optimistic based on my experience on flat terrain and not going flat out all the time due to going through congested areas 20 percent of the time...and max speed was more like 24 mph for me).

SL2 at Turbo/28mph they estimate 37 miles for the 520 watt/hr internal battery, (realistic).
I have range anxiety most days, and I’m not even rechargeable!
Depending on the version of your e-bike use either:
  • Range, Range Trend and Micro Tune on a Mastermind Specialized e-bike
  • Specialized App -> Smart Control

Smart Control: "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Loved the Smart Control" :D