Bafang ultra Motor issue collecting dirt

From my experience, those who choose to 'dip their toes' in using Bafang products should recognize that warranty is none existent.

I have argued this often with 'naive individuals', who reap the benefits of building ebikes cheaper compared to buying mainstream brand ebikes.

Dont get me wrong, I do both. I.e. build my own ebikes and buy mainstream. This allows me to evaluate which (depending on the current market) is best suited for those in conjunction with their financial circumstances/mentality/requirements etc.

It's to this reason why I find myself stepping in to assist those who encounter problems with Bafang products, in an effort to keep them going (afterall, no one wants an ebike which doesn't work).

The best advice I can give anyone who finds this post is as follows:-

If you are a new comer and are looking at whether to buy or build an ebike

Ask yourself 3 question.
1. Are you competent enough at building/maintaining a regular bike (without relying on a LBS)?
2. If you encounter a problem, could you honestly say to yourself that you would/could rectify the problem (whether that includes sacrificing an evening/day/period of time). And have the patience, will power and drive to commit to fixing/servicing/rectifying the problem (no matter how big or small)?
3. Is your decision to pursue one or the other based on finances?

If you're answer is 'no' to the 1st two questions, I recommend buying mainstream and having dealer support. If you're answer is yes to the 1st two questions (and do ask each of you to truly ask yourselves and be honest with yourself), you can can answer the 3rd question and ask yourself whether the initial cost of the ebike purchase will be superseded buy purchasing additional items (and whether these additional items are readily available and easily obtainable).

If you are an avid/enthusiast rider

Chances are, you would be versed at dealing with issues which have popped up by your own experience. As a result, you would understand the importance of investing in tools and equipment, in an effort to make your lives easier to maintain your bike. And most importantly, you would have gained skills (from your own experiences), which are transferable and can serve as a basis to better yourself as a competent cyclists (both in terms of charisma, intrigue, enjoyment/fulfillment and safety). But even a cycling enthusiast shouldn't underestimate the importance of building an ebike (especially if they recognize that not all bike shops are equipped to deal with every motor brand). To which they should comprehend that they would need to be self sufficient in the runnings of everything on the ebike (mechanically and electrically). Granted, I'm not implying that you need to understand how to build an ebike battery. But you must appreciate that if a problem arose with the battery, what can you do to troubleshoot/get another one. And the same thing goes with the motor, display, wire harness/loom, speed sensor and anything else proprietary to that ebike system.

I consider myself a self proficient bike mechanic and have years of experience under my belt

Lol, I've heard that before!!!

I wont patronize anyone who genuinely believes that he/she is capable of building an ebike. But then, I would ask this question, 'do you enjoy riding more/how reliant does the ebike need to be?'. Chances are, you've encountered all sorts and appreciate that riding time (in conjunction with every day things) is precious. Indeed, even I find myself having to schedule my rides due to work commitments. The point being, you should be no stranger to forking out for the best you can afford (without hesitation). Notwithstanding you would be familiar with which ever ebike system, in an effort to prevent any known issues which are bound to pop up.

But to wrap this up. Regardless of where ever someone chooses to buy the ebike system, one should recognize the acronym 'DIY' for what it truly means. I.e. "a person who is taking full responsibility of the upkeep and maintenance 'in its entirety' of building an ebike, and can/will demonstrate the commitment to rectifying any issue without being reliant (or prone to assuming) that it is someone else's responsibility to rectify said problem"