Bafang BBS02B 750W 48V Mid Drive Motor Identification

Ok, a couple of questions, firstly, how can i get my display to show things in Km/h and not m/h?

Secondly, is there a way to get trip information out of my motor?
IE: distance travelled, power provided over time graphs, velocity over time graphs, etc?
No graphs... You'll need a display like the Eggrider to do that.
The rest of what you want is handled in the display settings.
Google the instructions... PDF and video out there
Curious... How do you find the stock settings when riding?
They seem to be the overly aggressive set typically not suited for street / path riding and more geared towards mountain biking.
But yet you can't figure out why no one listens to you.
Even new members know enough to pass on your comments.
So it was a 750 😉 wonderful reading, Johnny.

"Whilst & i got chatting to the sales people and they told me that the motor was indeed a 750W, but had been throttled back to 18A output as they were selling it to someone rather than installing it themselves.
They did this as they didn't want me to "burn it out from installing it incorrectly and claim it was faulty to begin with.""

But yet you can't figure out why no one listens to you.
Even new members know enough to pass on your comments.
Premature Launch Johnny?

"Whilst & i got chatting to the sales people and they told me that the motor was indeed a 750W, but had been throttled back to 18A output as they were selling it to someone rather than installing it themselves.
They did this as they didn't want me to "burn it out from installing it incorrectly and claim it was faulty to begin with.""
Read the entire thread zero... They lied to him over and over. That statement is so full of s*it I can't understand how you swallow it.
But now it makes sense on why you're so easily duped by d_bag politicians and ridiculous conspiracies.... smh....
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Ok, so Monday's issues were definitely user error.

Today i rode the full 14km and used two parts of nothing out of the battery voltage.

I have set the Designated Assist Level to be controlled by speed rather than the throttle (Which is now disabled, still not sure what i changed, but it's working.)
My range at 52.9V is showing 149km now.

Today's AAR
Starting battery status: 54.2V
Average speed: 24.7km/h
Most consistent speed seen was around the 38km/h using 7th gear and PAS level 4 of 5
Max speed: 49.7km/h with PAS lvl 5 of 5
Power output of the motor was pretty consistent around 500W the whole way home, i was pretty anal about using the correct gear and PAS level than i was on Monday.
Time per direction around 17 minutes.
Distance travelled: 6.7km to work, and 7.3km home.
Change in elevation in the morning from point A to point B: 29m, almost entirely down hill.

Battery charge when arriving home was 52.9V

All in all, i think this is going to be a great investment for me, it should be saving me around the 70km per week mark in driving, which with my old Subaru Outback equates to around 10L of fuel, or at current prices around $20/w.
If it can do 8,000km it will have paid for itself just in fuel costs.
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Ok, i can't believe i'm actually having to say this, but enough with the immature manure flinging at each other that doesn't relate to the original topic of the thread.

I would kindly ask all members to go back over this thread and do the right thing, if your comment is specifically aimed at berating another person here for their view or comment instead of constructively adding to the conversation, do yourself a favor, that the moral high road, remove the comment, and hopefully in the future if someone else reads this thread they wont think of you as childish.