Any RadRover contributors out there ?

I just realized that I will need to remove the battery every time I park in the city, to be sure not some idiot turns on the battery - and the bike - and uses the throttle, with the lock still through the wheel. I cannot ride it into town and park it on a friday night. Really wish the battery (or the panel) could be turned off with a key too. But you can't always get it all, can you.
You could disconnect the quick disconnect plug when the situation warrants.
Yep, the battery manufacturer should have made that possible for sure. Strange really. My cheap EcoRide e-bike have one key to lock the battery to the frame and one to turn on the power. That's the one thing I really like about that bike, as with the fact that is has an Abus frame lock as a standard.

Yeah, but then Court's review would have mentioned that as a negative! You can't please everyone I guess :)

You could disconnect the quick disconnect plug when the situation warrants.

Good idea, I wouldn't want to do that in inclement weather though!

Speaking of which, did everyone else's battery mount come with a plug for the contacts when the battery isn't inserted?
But the bike is AWESOME!!! I cannot believe the smoothness of the ride and the power of it....

.....To put it in level 5 is just ridicolous and not necessary,....

But the most practical fun of it all is how the bumps in the road just disappears with these tires. I already feel like I cannot go back to ordinary tires again. This was also the factor that made me buy the RR in the first place.

Smooth like a cadillac :)

level 5 is Sooooo much fun....

Once you go Fat you can never go back :)
Good to know that Phrodos received his bike. The tale of getting it has been like the movie Se7en - but with a happy ending.

Also interesting to see that they actually packed the fenders in the same package as the bike. When I asked about it, they said that the fenders can not be shipped with the bike. One extra shipment would have cost way too much for me and was the reason that I did not order them.. mmh, maybe I'll ask again!
Assembled my bike last night and rode to work this morning - what a blast to ride!

Top speed was just over 24 mph, normal cruising speed was 22-23 mph, and the overall average including stop lights and whatnot was 19.9 mph over 11.8 miles. I pedaled in top gear the entire way, except for dropping down a few gears from stop lights. The battery was at 4/5 bars when I got to work.

These speeds are from my Strava app, and they seem to match with the bike, which was set at a 28" wheel size.

Ridiculous fun!
Assembled my bike last night and rode to work this morning - what a blast to ride!

Top speed was just over 24 mph, normal cruising speed was 22-23 mph, and the overall average including stop lights and whatnot was 19.9 mph over 11.8 miles. I pedaled in top gear the entire way, except for dropping down a few gears from stop lights. The battery was at 4/5 bars when I got to work.

These speeds are from my Strava app, and they seem to match with the bike, which was set at a 28" wheel size.

Ridiculous fun!

Thanks... I was wondering how many miles it takes to drop a bar... 22-23 cruising speed is impressive... what psi are you running... I assume you're on pavement commuting?? When I run 19f 21 r the ride is pretty harsh.. unless the surface is really smooth.. I have new road tires I'm going to try soon..probably at a lower pressure..
Thanks... I was wondering how many miles it takes to drop a bar... 22-23 cruising speed is impressive... what psi are you running... I assume you're on pavement commuting?? When I run 19f 21 r the ride is pretty harsh.. unless the surface is really smooth.. I have new road tires I'm going to try soon..probably at a lower pressure..

Yes, I'm on flat, pretty smooth pavement and some bike trails, also paved and mostly smooth. Tires are set at 20 psi f/r.
Here is some data from my ride...

Shows my average speed, and a pretty constant 22-23 when moving, and then my favorite bit - it compares today's speed between certain waypoints with previous times. Lots of personal records today. :)

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Just got my radrover today.
I dont know about yours, but mine came with a make your own custom fenders kit.
Today I took the RR for a really long ride. I wasn't sure it was up for it, to be honest. Originally I thought about trying riding around the nearby lake, "Jonsvatnet" (translation: "Jon's lake"), which is pretty big and with a lot of hills. With most of the distance around it being a dirt road. All in all it would be a 43 km / 26 miles ride from my home, around the lake and back. Today it also was quite windy, so on my way up (about 10 km / 6 miles) I thought maybe it would be too much for the battery. So I almost changed my plan to just ride along one side of the lake and clock in at 30 km / 18 miles. I was riding along at pas 3 and the battery didn't seem to drop anything at all. When I came to the crossroad, I thought - what the hell. I'll go for it. It was a nice sunny day, with 18C/64F, and I would get the wind in my back on my way home. So I went for it, just using pas 3 and going with only pedal assistance.

Here's from one of the few stops I made:

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Midway around the lake I thought it would be hard to finish within the battery capacity, I have to admit. The hills kept coming, the road was pretty bumpy and the power meter seemed to drop when using the motor up the hills. Luckily the hills came with a lot of downhills too, so I really got to try the bike downhill. Making it up to 56 kph / 35 mph. But the bike really drops in speed fast when a new hill awaits at the bottom! I finally reached around the lake, to the crossroad I would have come to going the short way, after 30 km / 18 miles. The battery still showed about 3-4 bars and I was encouraged to take another sidetrack to another part of town to see if the bike would make it. Well at home, I clocked in at 50,7 km / 31.5 miles and still with 2 bars left on the power meter! And I used the throttle several times on the last stretch too. Color me impressed! Next time I will try it with more power. :) But not before a new front fork and backwheel is in place. Kind of nervous still.

Here's the ride mapped in Strava. Average speed 22.2 kph / 13.8 mph, and check out the total elevation:

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Very nice @Phrodos and what lovely scenery! I'm glad you made it home with more power to spare! Every time someone posts a photo of Norway I become more and more convinced I need to visit!
Yeah, it's kind of awesome. I've been alive here for over 40 years and I still get surprised over how beautiful it can be. :) And it's pretty safe too, I never feel unsafe here. So safe, that foreign batteries are not allowed. :p
Yeah, it's kind of awesome. I've been alive here for over 40 years and I still get surprised over how beautiful it can be. :) And it's pretty safe too, I never feel unsafe here. So safe, that foreign batteries are not allowed. :p
Free, beautiful and safe.... I know what you mean and feel the same living in rural PA!
Looks like a great ride.. Just curious... is your Norwegian battery built to the same specs. as the original?? If it is then if your Strava app
is close with the ave 264w power used... over the 2:17 equals 12.444 amp/hrs (11.6 Ah listed by RR) so our power meters might not be very accurate? Why are you worried about the forks are they still locked out?? I'd be more worried because the forks are built for leisure cross country riding (whatever that means)... it's on the warning label on the Mozo forks??
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Looks like a great ride.. Just curious... is your Norwegian battery built to the same specs. as the original?? If it is then if your Strava app
is close with the ave 264w power used... over the 2:17 equals 12.444 amp/hrs (11.6 Ah listed by RR) so our power meters might not be very accurate? Why are you worried about the forks are they still locked out?? I'd be more worried because the forks are built for leisure cross country riding (whatever that means)... it's on the warning label on the Mozo forks??

It looks like the exact same battery, but in the link to it it says 11.4:

I'm not THAT worried about the forks (don't know why I wrote "nervous", really, but it shook me up when the wheel fell off three times..), just would like something that is in perfect condition. I've paid 2300 USD for this now (I had envisioned paying more than you guys, but not THAT much), with shipping, taxes and a norwegian price for the battery, so it's pretty frustrating having something that is broken already and could break even more.
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