Another Neo Carbon Lover

That's a good call Larry. I have both the racing bibs and some downhill mountain bike shorts that cover the cycling shorts underneath. There really is no substitute for saddle time though!!
James - Thats true, but "saddle time" when your commuting, doing errands or riding for fun can vary widely. Most people just want to be comfortable regardless and a comfy saddle combines with a bit of padding that cycle shorts provide, generally cover all the bases.
Yes that's true too. I guess what I was getting at was if you are going to spend hours on your bike (in a row of course) there really is nothing as good as saddle time!
Yeah but James... I think you're forgetting something. Saddle time! There really is no substitute... forsaddletimetime.

Saw the Neo Carbon in person yesterday. What a beautiful machine! I might buy one for more aggressive city rides and have a bonus battery for the Jumper.
Dave, congrats on the purchase of your new EM 2013 Carbon. For 2014, we are carrying over the Carbon unchanged.

Would this just be a US market thing or likely to apply in other markets as well, i.e., Australia. The idea of the Carbon with a 12Ah battery appeals ... decisions
decisions :)

Hey Andrew! I'm not sure which geographies it applies to but I'll ask the next time I speak with a BH rep. There are a couple here on the forums who might chime in as well ;)
Andrew, my Carbon is a 2014 and has the 9Ah battery. My dealer here in the USA told me the new 12 Ah batteries will be available in April and will fit my Carbon. They will, however be pricey, I think he said around $400.00.
Andrew, my Carbon is a 2014 and has the 9Ah battery. My dealer here in the USA told me the new 12 Ah batteries will be available in April and will fit my Carbon. They will, however be pricey, I think he said around $400.00.
Just so you know I think the retail price is going to be closer to $500 which is still actually pretty inexpensive compared to what most manufacturers charge.
Hey Andrew! I'm not sure which geographies it applies to but I'll ask the next time I speak with a BH rep. There are a couple here on the forums who might chime in as well ;)

Okay thanks. I vaguely remember reading on the weekend that the 2014 model will be the same as the 2013 but with the upgraded battery, but of course cannot find the source now :(

I have put a query into the local dealer anyway.

Has anyone changed there tires on the carbon yet? like a set of Schwalbe Big Apple. I would bet it would give a nicer ride and less rolling resistance. Come this summer I might swap off the cheap tires on there now and try something a lttle bigger.