Aniioki A7 Pro - Battery Indicator


New Member
On my inaugural ride I rode 15 miles and the battery indicator on the display still reflected 100%. I know this is in error for I rode hard and used the throttle on a number of occasions. I intend to take it out again in the coming weekend to see if what I incurred was an anomaly. I will request a new display from Walkee should this be an actual defect issue with the display but hoping it is not.

Has anyone else incurred this issue or is it normal to see little movement in the battery indicator if riding only 14 miles?

YUP, same thing here. It stays at 100% for a while then drops down. If you turn it off and restart it may go back to 100% before adjusting. Have not ridden past 70% as of yet. Curios to see how fast the indicator drops and how far I can go.