Too bad you didn't have a train air horn, maybe that would cause them to think.. you were always taught to look both ways before stepping out into a traffic area.
Even seeing eye dogs know better.
It just shows there are too many lifeguards on duty at the gene pool, these days. ymmv
Drivers and riders should give way to pedestrians waiting to cross and MUST give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing (see Rule H2). Keep looking both ways, and listening, in case a driver or rider has not seen you and attempts to overtake a vehicle that has stopped.
If the pedestrian would have been crossing at the crosswalk this rider would have been 100 percent in the wrong.
The Highway Code - Rules for pedestrians (1 to 35) - Guidance - GOV.UK
Rules for pedestrians, including general guidance, crossing the road, crossings, and situations needing extra
Mixed feelings on this. Looking carefully between 1 and 2 seconds, you can see the guy is starting to turn his head just as he steps off the curb. Also, they are close to the crosswalk even if they are not in it. Finally, if the rider had eased up on the throttle just slightly, or even tapped the brakes, and done nothing, the pedestrians would probably have passed in front of him harmlessly.
In the '70s, the era of the first bike messengers in NYC, the goal was to glide through heavy pedestrian traffic at high speed, not touching anyone even if you scared the living hell out of them, reserving the whistle for only much closer calls than this one.
So, my instinct in this situation would be not to go for the horn yet. I'd be thinking, "How do I dodge them?" There's a danger in tapping the horn, too-- that they freeze, or move in some unpredictable way.
I don't have a clear instinct on the right play in this situation. But is irritating that the guy turns to look AFTER they have stepped off the curb, when they are both already firmly committed to crossing. If a pedestrian makes eye contact with me, we just have far more options.
I was doing 10mph
Had I been an ELECTRIC silent car doing 30 not a bike doing 15
Fair enough-- I don't have a throttle, either, on either of my bikes, I was speaking figuratively!Just one thing wrong here
I was doing 10mph
Just one thing wrong here
I was doing 10mph
What if it was a child or dog that stepped out in front of you, or any other hazard.
Just ride defensively.
Would you have reacted the same if you rode up on this,.??
BTW, I can stop my e-bike in about 10 feet going 10 mph.
It's good practice for an emergency, and it's kinda fun.
30 years ago I had a distracted driver pull out in front of me. Instead of stopping I swerved and went to pass- I was on an over powered two wheel device and stupid. She kept turning, was " at fault" , but I was the moron and am still paying the price - my neck has never been the same .
The moment you get angry on two wheels is the moment you become the moron.