All wheel drive Stretch

The Pedego Stretch dual drive electric cargo bike is available for pre-order!
Price is for 50% deposit; final 50% due at shipment.
This model is a new and improved version of the popular Pedego Stretch, with increased efficiency, and additional torque and power! Along with the new, more powerful drive train, you’ll find all the features of the beloved Pedego Stretch, including:
  • 5-level pedal assist mode, allowing you to pedal as much or as little as you want.
  • A luxurious saddle with extra cushioning and top-of-the-line suspension.
  • Front and back racks, as well as adjustable side racks.
  • Best in class acceleration, propelled by an extra powerful motor.
  • Lightweight, rechargeable lithium battery which will give you hours of ride time.
  • Convenient twist-and-go throttle.
  • Much more!
I was just lamenting today on the FB Pedego Owners page that I had my first pangs of regret of buying my Stretch. I LOVE that bike - serious love it.

Then, time, thought, and a few respondants got me thinking more. One, it will cost $900 more for these two motors. Second, it doesn't say it, but, it will have to weigh more. This thing is already a beast in weight. Third, I have been 100% satisfied with the performance of this product. So why was I lamenting? Is bigger or MORE really better? I think we get sucked into that too much. I have NEVER needed or wanted to go faster or longer than what the machine can do now to still feel safe. I think they have to make it seem stronger because people get caught up in the more power mode of thinking.

My ONLY complaints are:

1. lack of accessories
a. like bags that FIT the Stretch specifically - I've found great alternatives, but it took sleuthing and guessing)
b. like a top box/basket for the seat that fits style wise and can be easily removable.
2. That it was an easy and quick fix to switch foot rests to widening the top rack. With the wood panel set? It's virtually impossible
3. That it was easier to take on and take off the velcro seat attachment to go from rider to hauling cargo.
4. That it still came with the short back "tail" instead of just having the tall tail/long tail.
5. Better/stronger lights for night vision (easy fix)
6. That it wasn't so dang HEAVY as it basically makes it impossible for me to take it anywhere.

What I adore?
1. I can haul anything practically - including a tall adult as a passenger.
2. It's a very stable ride.
3. It's gorgeous (I have the green)
4. I have had ZERO times it couldn't handle me/the load, etc. and I usually ride with 0-2 assist. It is like a car for me.
5. It's fun to ride as it's responsive and comfortable
6. That it has given me back a favorite past time - I no longer use my car for errands around home. I bike it.
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You have one already?
I was just lamenting today on the FB Pedego Owners page that I had my first pangs of regret of buying my Stretch. I LOVE that bike - serious love it.

Then, time, thought, and a few respondants got me thinking more. One, it will cost $900 more for these two motors. Second, it doesn't say it, but, it will have to weigh more. This thing is already a beast in weight. Third, I have been 100% satisfied with the performance of this product. So why was I lamenting? Is bigger or MORE really better? I think we get sucked into that too much. I have NEVER needed or wanted to go faster or longer than what the machine can do now to still feel safe. I think they have to make it seem stronger because people get caught up in the more power mode of thinking.

My ONLY complaints are:

1. lack of accessories
a. like bags that FIT the Stretch specifically - I've found great alternatives, but it took sleuthing and guessing)
b. like a top box/basket for the seat that fits style wise and can be easily removable.
2. That it was an easy and quick fix to switch foot rests to widening the top rack. With the wood panel set? It's virtually impossible
3. That it was easier to take on and take off the velcro seat attachment to go from rider to hauling cargo.
4. That it still came with the short back "tail" instead of just having the tall tail/long tail.
5. Better/stronger lights for night vision (easy fix)
6. That it wasn't so dang HEAVY as it basically makes it impossible for me to take it anywhere.

What I adore?
1. I can haul anything practically - including a tall adult as a passenger.
2. It's a very stable ride.
3. It's gorgeous (I have the green)
4. I have had ZERO times it couldn't handle me/the load, etc. and I usually ride with 0-2 assist. It is like a car for me.
5. It's fun to ride as it's responsive and comfortable
6. That it has given me back a favorite past time - I no longer use my car for errands around home. I bike it.
I have the standard model. The new model will be available in April and it seems both options will be available - one and two motors.
I have the standard model. The new model will be available in April and it seems both options will be available - one and two motors.

I'm seriously looking at the one with two motors. I currently have a bike with a bafang mid drive I put together. It works good but I am afraid that with a rear drive and my weight 260 + it won't climb hills like my mid drive does. I hope to do some bike camping, so I will be needing all the hill climbing ability I think. Like your quick review.
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I'm seriously looking at the one with two motors. I currently have a bike with a bafang mid drive I put together. It works good but I am afraid that with a rear drive and my weight 260 + it won't climb hills like my mid drive does. I hope to do some bike camping, so I will be needing all the hill climbing ability I think. Like your quick review.
I think, if possible, you should try them out to see which you need. Of course, if money isn't a real consideration, then 2 motors might be perfect!

I weigh about the same, And I ride all the time with heavy loads - including carrying my 145 pound, 12 year old son, on the back. Several times last year during summer on my day off (monday) or telework day (Friday) I would pick him up from camp. Now, we weren't climbing HUGE hills and I was pedaling the entire time, but we never had issues with the hills. On one steep-ish (short) one I would turn it all the way up and use throttle and have it in easiest gear, but that was still to take it at a decent clip, not anywhere close to falling over.

But that is the extent I would need such a bike. I don't plan to do big, long hills or big treks with this thing. It's my commuter/around town bike.
I guess I worry that if it can't climb a hill that pushing it up loaded would be more then this old body can do. I have ridden one briefly but not enough to know for certain that it can do what I am planning. Could end up pulling a trailer to, although I don't want to.
Speed I don't need 10-15 mph is plenty fast enough. I'm pretty sure my current bike is not up to the task. It works good with just me but the chain and wheels have got to be at there limits. I have already broken spokes on the rear wheel. Also brakes are rim brakes not disk. If I can get pass the price I'm going for it.
And why not go for it if you are more certain it is for you? It was a HUGE decision for me to buy the Pedego. We earn well, but it's not like we are swimming in money (also paying for college at this time for our older son). It took 6 months of juggling funds to pay it off without paying interest on it. I'm so happy I can say I USE it! What if it sat there like the treadmill does?
Today I tried a Stretch. I was hoping to be able to carry a passenger, but I'm not quite tall enough. I tried carrying my husband, but it was difficult when I stopped and the bike tipped. I can't hold up 180 pounds of husband and the bike, both. :(
Today I tried a Stretch. I was hoping to be able to carry a passenger, but I'm not quite tall enough. I tried carrying my husband, but it was difficult when I stopped and the bike tipped. I can't hold up 180 pounds of husband and the bike, both. :(
Yes, carrying a passenger is tough for us shorter riders. It helps if the passenger is tall enough to put his/her feet down when you stop. Sometimes, adjusting the bars helps, as does practice, of course.

In case anyone is interested, the dual drive Stretch was delayed, but it’s showing as due September 13, 2018!
Yeah, it was beyond me. I'm not strong enough or tall enough, I think. :) But it's a great bike. I wonder if it would do better on steep hills than my Interceptor?
I like the idea of 2 motors as I live at the top of a hill - end of a mile long road climbing about 800’. I’m about 260lbs. and my wife is around 135 and she’s quite afraid of riding her own bike. I would seriously consider the stretch if it could get us both up the hill with moderate pedalling. I wonder what the combined torque rating for the dual motors is? Also, what’s the suggested range? Finally, can one of the motors be turned off for riding on level ground to extend the range? (I did a test ride with my wife on the back on a level zero grade, lakeside rail trail - about 15 km total at assist 3 and more than enough power for both of us)
what’s the suggested range? Finally, can one of the motors be turned off for riding on level ground to extend the range?
The big deal with the dual motor Stretch is that the controller splits the power between the two motors for you, so you don’t have to turn off one of the motors. It varies the split depending on need.

I was told it gets better range than the single motor Stretch, but I don’t recall how much more. The single gets about 30 to 50 miles with the bigger battery. The amount of pedaling, the number of riders, and the severity of hills will vary this, and could be more or less.
I rode an Evo Big Bud Pro with all wheel drive, then the same bike with a single Brose mid drive. The mid drive was far superior. Climbed faster and was much more responsive! So once again, test riding is required. You can't buy with numbers only. If two motors are getting better range, than a single motor, then they are chopping the power to each motor by more than half.
It’s somewhat a moot point for me as I found out today that Canadian law and especially BC regulations prohibit a dual motor ebike. Also interesting - because a hub drive motor develops its best torque when in motion,the torque diminishes with reduced speed and below about 9kph. when under the heavy load of a steep hill, pretty much reduces torque to nothing. A mid drive will continue to provide near optimum boost as long as pedal cadence is kept relatively high. Basically keeping the motor revving high enough to keep in the optimum torque range. (As explained to me by the Pedago distributor today - so maybe all hooey, I’m not an electrical engineer so I don’t really know)
It’s somewhat a moot point for me as I found out today that Canadian law and especially BC regulations prohibit a dual motor ebike. Also interesting - because a hub drive motor develops its best torque when in motion,the torque diminishes with reduced speed and below about 9kph. when under the heavy load of a steep hill, pretty much reduces torque to nothing. A mid drive will continue to provide near optimum boost as long as pedal cadence is kept relatively high. Basically keeping the motor revving high enough to keep in the optimum torque range. (As explained to me by the Pedago distributor today - so maybe all hooey, I’m not an electrical engineer so I don’t really know)

Ahhh, you were speaking with Murray!