After a ridiculous amount of thought I'm going to start my Kona Hoss BBSHD build

I've been wondering why my voltage graph on the 500c display never showed a full charge even though the numerical readout was showing 54v. Turns out the BBSHD was shipped with 52v firmware on it, flashed it with the 48v firmware and now the display reads correctly.

The hill climbing ability of the BBSHD + 42T bling ring + 11-46T cassette is fantastic. The bike will climb hills (without peddling) that I can't manage on my own without getting of and walking though I find I tend to peddle anyway and do get a decent workout as a result.
What was the .bin file you used? The 48V version.
Yes, I replaced the 52v version with the 48v version. Wattage has not displayed correctly over 1000w with either.
Yes, I replaced the 52v version with the 48v version. Wattage has not displayed correctly over 1000w with either.
Thanks. Would you be kind enough to share the file? Or at least the description? I've released several on endless sphere. It's good to know the results so I can continue to share firmware flash success.
The name of the file is:

I'm not sure how to post the file on here, pm me with an email address and I can send a copy to you but you can also get it from the Goldenmotor site.
The BBSHD with 42t bling ring and 11-46t cassette is a hill climbing machine. I took it up a huge single track hill today that would have been hard to push a bike up let alone ride it but this thing powered up with only moderate effort on my part. I think it could have done it without me peddling but I need the exercise, I'm 320lbs. With the weight of the bike and myself the total is not far off of 400lbs, I'm so happy with this mid drive compared to my old hub motored bike :)
Due to how much fun I've been having on the Hoss I'm getting ready to fit a BBS02 48v 500w kit to my Mom's bike. I've opted for the smaller motor for her bike to be legal and safer (she's in her 70's and this bike has rim brakes). I'll be fitting a 42t bling ring and 11-42t cassette along with a 16ah 48v battery.

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Due to how much fun I've been having on the Hoss I'm getting ready to fit a BBS02 48v 500w kit to my Mom's bike. I've opted for the smaller motor for her bike to be legal and safer (she's in her 70's and this bike has rim brakes). I'll be fitting a 42t bling ring and 11-42t cassette along with a 16ah 48v battery.

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I got a 48v 500w and 42t bling ring on the way. I had to go with a 48v13.6ah battery as that was all that was in stock. I'll be putting on a Giant Seek mainly for work commutes about a 34km round trip. Hoping I'll get good distance out of the battery, but no too worried since I can get some charge time in while at work.

I went with this size since the area I'm in is not too hilly, and Im not looking for speed, just some pedal assist to get me to work a little more dry.
I spoke with a shop owner that installs 500W 36V BBS02 motors only. Claiming both 500W versions are the most reliable. I can’t confirm, except to say my BBS01(A) 36V 350W have been running since 2014. Several thousand miles on both of mine. YMMV
The 500w 48v kit showed up Monday and after driving around to find some M6x20 Allen head bolts (73mm bottom bracket on this bike and the supplied 15mm brace bolts needed to be 20mm) and 6mm spacer washers it only took me about 4 hours to install. Took it for a 13km test ride with some significant hills today and I think it will be perfect to get my Mom out biking again.

I'm surprised by how much power the 500w BBS02 puts out, it feels much closer to the BBSHD than I expected it to so given that my Mom weighs half what I do this bike should keep up with me on my my bike no problem.

BBS02 500w 48v kit with 500c display
Bling ring 42 tooth
KMC X8.93 chain
11-42T cassette
48v 16ah frame mounted battery


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It is Sept 2021 now and I love my Kona Hoss with the BBHD conversion. This past week I used it to carry in and then out all the supplies for my buddies elk hunting camp. It was great, the BBHD with 42 tooth ring and 46 low on the rear cassette makes what used to be a fairly stiff hike a breeze. I have also lost over 30lbs since building this bike so it hasn't turned me into a slug either.
Aug 2022, the big nut that holds the motor in the bottom bracket finally came loose. Tightened it back up and she is good to go again. The 26x3.0 tires have been nice but they are really too big and don't have clearance if any mud or other debris gets picked up so I'm taking them off and putting the 26x2.35 tires back on along with some better fenders to keep the splash under control when commuting in the rain. I'm intending to use it this winter to commute so the fender will also help with that, I'll also fit some studded tires when the ice arrives.
Aug 2022, the big nut that holds the motor in the bottom bracket finally came loose. Tightened it back up and she is good to go again. The 26x3.0 tires have been nice but they are really too big and don't have clearance if any mud or other debris gets picked up so I'm taking them off and putting the 26x2.35 tires back on along with some better fenders to keep the splash under control when commuting in the rain. I'm intending to use it this winter to commute so the fender will also help with that, I'll also fit some studded tires when the ice arrives.
Get the Lekkie onenut! Who needs two?