Adjusting speedometer?


Well-Known Member
Macomb, Illinois
I have a Trek Verve +3 with a Bosch drive system. My wife bought me a phone mount for my handlebars so I’ve been able to watch my speed and distance. The odometer on my bike is close, maybe within 1 or 2 percent, the speedometer is off about 8%. So if my bike says 14 mph I’m probably going more like 13 mph. Can this be adjusted? I assume the LBS would do that?
I am not sure how your phone is giving you your speed, but it may not be the most accurate.
Normally on an ebike, the speedometer is adjusted by changing the Wheel diameter info, but it is often locked as it is also used to limit the bike pedal assist legal limitation.
it is adjustable by making the wheel size smaller but no clue how to get there in the app. bosch is usually a 1 to 1.mph off though. you can change the wheel size a bit but not a lot.
GPS on the phone. It’s reasonably accurate, I’ve compared it to car speedometers before.
Speedo and odometer are locked together, unless you have some really weird clock issues. I know on our Lectric ebikes the readings were way off. Setting the wheel diameter to 24.5 (an arbitrary number not corresponding to anything) makes the numbers match the GPS.

And I happily recommend "Bike Computer Pro" for Android phones for GPS speedo, odometer, mapping, and a bunch of other things. It pretty much does everything except fry bacon. It would be perfect if it could do that also.
I have a Trek Verve +3 with a Bosch drive system. My wife bought me a phone mount for my handlebars so I’ve been able to watch my speed and distance. The odometer on my bike is close, maybe within 1 or 2 percent, the speedometer is off about 8%. So if my bike says 14 mph I’m probably going more like 13 mph. Can this be adjusted? I assume the LBS would do that?
I had a similar issue with my Trek+3. Same issue with my Trek Allant+7s. Whenever I ride past a street radar my speedometer consistently displays 10% above the radar speed. My wife’s Verve+2 is accurate. Her bike has the “old” magnet on a spoke and it is adjusted to the far end of the pickup sensor. I have had Trek validate my bikes and contend they are accurate, but I am actually paying for 100% for 90% motor assist.