Hi Jay...
What brand did you buy? Could you post a picture? I looked at pages of racks and it looks like none of them could easily tie to the fender mount point...
I am willing to send you the factory rack and fenders I took off my EQ model. I kept the taillight, but the rest is yours for shipping fees + a little beer money.
My LBS has a SL 5.0 in the color I want but it's not EQ. I do really want both fenders and a rack. What is involved in the tail-light changeover or is that even necessary? Any ideas on price to do this?
The thread below has some photos of another method to attach a generic rack and fenders. If you are using panniers you could leave the light on the seat. The seats on the EQ and non-EQ are the same but the light is on a bracket attached to the seat. The SL 5,0 SL EQ light is on the fender in a different package than the seat. I assume it can be ordered as a replacement part. The fender light wire just runs along the inside right edge of the fender and then in through to the bottom bracket in a typical manner. The Specialized fender has a channel for the wire but on other fenders I've used aluminum furnace tape (not duct tape) to hold the wire inside the fender and protect it.