800Wh battery available in Canada now...

It would be pretty awesome if Giant allowed a purchaser to choose an option of battery size when they buy the bike initially. Norco does that with their e-MTBs, you have a choice of one of three battery sizes. The price is adjusted accordingly, but at least you don’t have to take the stock one and buy a second one if you want more capacity.

I’d love a Thrive with the 800 wh battery for my wife. We like to ride together, but I wish she could go faster so I’d love to get an ebike for her. She’s a bit reluctant, but hopefully she will come around. With 800 wh she could obviously go further and faster and that just opens up more options for us.
I just got a Thrive ! I quite love it and am pleased with the range so far with the 500 Wh.
Maybe it is good enough ?
[The Thrive also can accommodate a range extender, (I assume you wouldn’t want to fuss with that - just get an 800 from the get go right ?!)]
It’s been windy and cold (0C) here. I did 40 km with (536 metres elevation according to Strava) in mainly Eco mode @ high cadence and then 25 km (382 elecation) in the smart sensing mode which used more battery. Those two rides used about 80% of the battery. I suppose my weight matters too. I’m 65 kg. My friends tell me their range in these winter conditions is about 30% less than normal. So I’m thinking normally that 65 km would be 93 km, with twenty percent battery to spare.
Would that be enough ?
In winter I’m fine with just being out a couple of hours ! Brr.
The charger for the Thrive is good too - theres a button to press if you want charging to stop at 60%. It goes from zero to 80% in 2 hours.
If you want me to do any range testing that would replicate the rides you do together I’d love to ! I found these forums very helpful and would love to contribute !
Anecdotal, non-scientific comment:
I am of the opinion that I do see a difference on my longer rides with the 625 on my new bike.
My remaining charge levels are such that I am charging less often. With the 500 - I rarely left the house without a full charge.

Both bikes (Giant Fathom HT and Liv Intrigue FS) are running similar tires and were ridden on similar routes and have the same motors.
Good point…fewer charge cycles…
I just got a Thrive ! I quite love it and am pleased with the range so far with the 500 Wh.
Maybe it is good enough ?
[The Thrive also can accommodate a range extender, (I assume you wouldn’t want to fuss with that - just get an 800 from the get go right ?!)]
It’s been windy and cold (0C) here. I did 40 km with (536 metres elevation according to Strava) in mainly Eco mode @ high cadence and then 25 km (382 elecation) in the smart sensing mode which used more battery. Those two rides used about 80% of the battery. I suppose my weight matters too. I’m 65 kg. My friends tell me their range in these winter conditions is about 30% less than normal. So I’m thinking normally that 65 km would be 93 km, with twenty percent battery to spare.
Would that be enough ?
In winter I’m fine with just being out a couple of hours ! Brr.
The charger for the Thrive is good too - theres a button to press if you want charging to stop at 60%. It goes from zero to 80% in 2 hours.
If you want me to do any range testing that would replicate the rides you do together I’d love to ! I found these forums very helpful and would love to contribute !

Typically when I go with my riding group we'll ride anywhere from about 60 km's to 120km's depending on how much time we have. If my wife were with me, I obviously don't have to rush back to see her so probably would like to do rides on the longer end of the spectrum. When she goes with me we like to ride to a destination, have lunch, ride some more, head home. So, I can see some days wanting that 100 km range. I'm not that many years from retirement so I can see when the weather is good we can spend an entire day riding and eating.

But I suppose as we spend more time on the bike she'll get in better shape, so who knows how much battery capacity she'll need. But I'd rather just buy the 800 wh from the start and not worry about it.
Typically when I go with my riding group we'll ride anywhere from about 60 km's to 120km's depending on how much time we have. If my wife were with me, I obviously don't have to rush back to see her so probably would like to do rides on the longer end of the spectrum. When she goes with me we like to ride to a destination, have lunch, ride some more, head home. So, I can see some days wanting that 100 km range. I'm not that many years from retirement so I can see when the weather is good we can spend an entire day riding and eating.

But I suppose as we spend more time on the bike she'll get in better shape, so who knows how much battery capacity she'll need. But I'd rather just buy the 800 wh from the start and not worry about it.
Yep. Makes perfect sense. Also I really fall behind on on the downhills with my Thrive tank. A friend on her Trek + ALR just flies like a normal road bike, while I pedal hard to just keep up to their coasting. Makes me want to ride my normal bike to fly downhill….my favourite part of riding.
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