58 miles!


I ride a Priority Embark which has the Bosch Active Line Plus motor and the 400 battery. I made it back home last night after a ride to town to a happy-hour fundraiser, battery clicked down to 1/5 bars left in the middle of the long steep hill on Turbo (highest assist) with a mile and a half to go, backed down to Sport mode when the hill moderated, and rode into my driveway with the Purion display telling me I could make it 4 more miles. Total distance since last charge: 58 miles! That's a record for me, though it's also only my 4th "mpc" measurement (and maybe my 6th or 7th charge? I didn't keep track at first). The others range from 42-48. I don't have a setup to automatically charge to only 80% but I do check after 2 hours and if the fifth light is flashing I unplug, so I'm charging to somewhere over 80% but less than 100%.

I attribute this milestone :D to having taken a longish (22 mile) ride in the valley (so no big hills) entirely on Eco (lowest assist) on Monday - usually my rides are 7-10 miles of which the last 3 miles are a long steep uphill in the highest or second-highest assist level, and often I'm weighed down with groceries on that uphill. (I suspect my Eco/coasting/20+mph first 3 miles don't counteract that entirely!) I think I have too much range anxiety to really push things to see if I can beat this mark, but it is sure fun to see on the display!
That's good range. I have the Bosch Active line and usually get about 40 miles using mostly tour and sport modes. I hardly use eco mode because of the hills around here. I have some range anxiety and usually charge it to full if it's less than 60% full. I wish there was an option to charge it to 80%. I'm too lazy to watch it. I'm sure the battery will outlast me. I'll probably want an new ebike in a couple of years. I wish I could swap out my active line motor for the active plus.
Nicely done. Three miles up a long steep hill is a great challenge and of course requires wise battery management.
I too have some range anxiety. Underestimated a nasty headwind and how much it drains the battery. Made it home with less than 10% left.
I think it’s fun figuring out battery range with a new ebike.
A big surprise to me was the real life range of my Magnum. Even after over a year and 4000 miles, I went 62 miles last Saturday and was on the last bar.

When i bought the bike, I had hopes for 40 miles when new, and down there as time and miles past. I was happily wrong.
A big surprise to me was the real life range of my Magnum. Even after over a year and 4000 miles, I went 62 miles last Saturday and was on the last bar.

When i bought the bike, I had hopes for 40 miles when new, and down there as time and miles past. I was happily wrong.
Figs it sounds like you are satisfied with you Magnum? Which model?
Voltbike Yukon 750 here with a little over 500 miles...As I've figured out PAS and gearing I've also been able to dramatically increase my range. I do some off-road and a bunch of Northeast Ohio hills. Rarely do I go above a 5 or 6 peddle assist (out of 9) and I've found that 25-30mph or so is nearly as fast as I can peddle. Typical top speed during a ride is 35mph-ish. We are all different but for me my typical gear is a couple notches above my PAS (if a 2 PAS my gearing is 3, 4, or 5; at 5 PAS I am at 6th or 7th gear).

As to how many miles per charge, I've been at 30ish for back woods exploring and well over 60 miles for roads/trails. FWIW...I'm a motorcycle guy. These ebikes are a different experience and absolutely fantastic if you are in to exploring the woods or a new town.
That is why my wife and I both splurged on 2nd powerpacks.They all match so now I routinely carry 3 if I am going on a long solo. This way I can go up any mountains in turbo. My body battery runs out of juice long before the powerpacks do.
Lol TaraBara! I have range anxiety because I dread having to use my whimpy legs to pedal a heavy bike home without power.

I shouldn't be wimpy - I did a 14.5 mile ride on my acoustic mtb today with 1800' up/down - but somehow the idea of having to pedal my (heavy-ish) e-bike up the big hill home without any power makes me nervous!
I'm pretty much convinced that even at this early stage of my eBike "career" I could take the same 50 mile ride and run out of power one time and have 2 or 3 out of 5 bars left another time. Power management makes a HUGE difference. Average speed of 10 mph vs 15 mph helps, a lot. Slow vs fast starts. Keeping gearing above PAS (the more the better). It took me a little while to achieve this zen knowledge :p.

Yesterday, my wife and I went for a ride on part of the Erie Canal tow path (which is now a Cleveland to Cincinnati bike path). It was her first real outing on her new Rad City. She was always in front of me so I could keep an eye on her. Often way in front. Sometimes riding with her hands up. Sometimes pointing to something in the woods. Speeding up. Slowing down. No hands. No feet. Usually going too fast for a bike path, but just having fun. I laughed just watching her.

After the first few miles I caught up with her asked what PAS and gear she was in. She had no idea, but that didn't really matter, of course. Having fun was the priority. And I could tell by the look on her face that we were there and then some.

We rode a total of 26 miles. My fat knobby tired big heavy Yukon 750 had 4 out 5 bars left on the battery. She had two. I probably could have ridden her bike and she mine and I still would have had twice the power left. But we had equal amounts of fun. Much of mine came from her ride. No doubt she relived moments of her youth and she took me along with her.

Keep riding. You'll figure out what works for you.
I am full of range anxiety. Ugh....now you've all influenced me to figure out how far I can go. LOL....overachievers!!! ?
Does your bike have the 400 or 500w battery?

When I borrowed an Explore E+ 3 (400w) for a day, I did my full commute of about 65 km (about 40 miles) and the battery showed about 38% left. I rode in using ECO and ECO+ but rode back (into a headwind) using Normal and Sport. I’m pretty pleased with that and I’m sure my new bike (arriving Tuesday!) with 500w will do much better.

I can’t wait to test it!
Does your bike have the 400 or 500w battery?

When I borrowed an Explore E+ 3 (400w) for a day, I did my full commute of about 65 km (about 40 miles) and the battery showed about 38% left. I rode in using ECO and ECO+ but rode back (into a headwind) using Normal and Sport. I’m pretty pleased with that and I’m sure my new bike (arriving Tuesday!) with 500w will do much better.

I can’t wait to test it!
What bike is on order? Explore - E?
What bike is on order? Explore - E?

Yup! :) 2019 Explore E+ 1 GTS with small frame size. The last one in Canada (with small frame size), and I'm having it shipped from Edmonton AB to me in Montreal QC. I just didn't like the 2020 offerings that I've found out about as much as this one, plus for a 2020 by the time I could get one, the riding season in Montreal will be pretty much over. With this bike I expect to get a couple of thousand km before the snow and ice arrive.
Does your bike have the 400 or 500w battery?

When I borrowed an Explore E+ 3 (400w) for a day, I did my full commute of about 65 km (about 40 miles) and the battery showed about 38% left. I rode in using ECO and ECO+ but rode back (into a headwind) using Normal and Sport. I’m pretty pleased with that and I’m sure my new bike (arriving Tuesday!) with 500w will do much better.

I can’t wait to test it!
I have a 400w battery. I went on a ride today in auto assist. I rode 18.6 miles and used 23% of my battery. The Giant Lafree is really good at conserving battery life. I rode a new trail today and it was the weirdest bike trail EVER!!! Paved but really narrow and curvy...lots of people....needed some shrub trimming. I had to duck a lot to get under tree limbs. Lots of blind corners and places to be cautious about. Also, there were maps all along the trail but none of them had "You are here" so you never really knew were you were on the trail. It was really beautiful and I would do it again for sure. If I would have put my bike in eco I would have had even better battery life but I just discovered my bike had auto assist and wanted to try it. I prefer to control my assist levels myself.... I think I do a better job. But if you like to just ride and don't want press buttons the auto assist is really cool.
Sounds like fun! And yeah I agree, you probably could be a little more efficient in eco mode handling the Pas on your own. But that auto assist sounds cool.