4 wheel 'rowing' bike ?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4210
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Deleted member 4210

I'm speechless...

And people think ebikes are expensive ? Look at what else you can spend $3000 on, and probably ride only a few times, before it gets put up for sale on eBay at 90% off.
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It shouldn't cost $3,000, it's not that much different than a regular bike in terms of complicated assembly or materials. Surely a god send to anyone w/ disability issues, as is the hand pedal bike, but more efficient? Can't see how. Probably less so.
Is it more efficient though?
Human kinetics is not my area of specialty by any means, but if you look at conventional bicycles, you're only using your leg power to propel.
Your arms, cores, etc...are virtually doing nothing to propel the bike.
Yeah, bicycle fits me perfecly. All quads & glutes, arms so weak I can't hold the handlebar straight when I hit a bump. I've torn 2 shoulder tendons & a biceps tendon, don't think lifting weights is the answer.
I live a perfect area to go rock climbing every weekend, (E. Ky Daniel Boone Natl Forest) but you can't climb rocks with your feet. So I ride a bike on county roads. Probably rock climbing is less dangerous.
My 2nd cousin rode a rail version of one of those to inspect track for C&O railroad in WVa. When he retired 1972 they gave it to him. He never learned how to drive. It had 3 wheels instead of 4, about 12" diameter. Bob rode a weekly circuit; I guess he boarded in various houses around Boone Cty.
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