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I have decided to use the brakes and electrics on my Bionx 500 equipped EVO road bike and build a 3 wheeled electric recumbent trike. I bought the plans, got the steel tube and have started the project. The style is called a tadploe trike which means the 2 wheels are in front and 1 wheel in back It is called the Warrior and i got the plans from a site called Atomic Zombie. The frame is made from 1/16" or 16 gauge 1 1/2" square tubing. You need a few parts from discarded bikes. The headsets from 3 old bikes are cut down and used in the steering assembly. A bottom bracket from one bike is also used. After i bought the plans there was the annual police bicycle auction where stolen and not claimed bikes are auctioned off. It just happens to be less than a block from my home. So i picked up 3 old bikes for $20 apiece. A grinder with cut wheels and a flap disc was used to cut them up and polish the pieces i needed. I also have a small 110 volt welder which is more the sufficient for the job. The BionX wheel is 28" in diameter and will be used as the rear drive unit. The EVO has 2 180 mm Tektro disc rotors which fit the front wheels. The front wheels were the most expensive components so far. You need 20" rims BMX style rims so I used my LBS and ordered 2 20mm disc ready hubs, 2 double wall 36 spoke 20" rims and had them lace the wheels up. Two 6" long 5/8th" fine thread bolts will be the front axles, those needed some 5/8ths" bronze bushings and one wrap of .010 shim to make them fit the 20mm hubs nice and snug. So far I have the main part of the frame built, the wheels all ready and will be making the front arms that hold the wheels and steering. It is a step by step process. The reason for this build is one - comfort and two- i like building things and 3 - bikes, in particular electric bikes are great.