2nd Test Ride


New Member
After riding my new XP 2.0 around the block a few days ago to get the feel of a peddle bike again, I trucked it out to a large empty parking lot yesterday and and rode two miles to get familiar with the throttle, PAS levels and gear shifting. Everything worked fine including loading and unloading it into the bed or my Ford Ranger pickup. I got the Black Friday bundle with the upgraded seat and seat post. I didn’t notice any “butt-killing” pain during the 20 minute ride but when I was sitting around my house after the ride I experienced soreness in my tail bone which I still notice as I’m sitting typing this.

Whenever I’ve bruised my tailbone the few times it’s happened in my life it always came from an incident that struck the bone. Since I didn’t feel pain when I was riding or strike it from slipping off the seat, I’m kind mystified as to what caused it, except that the seat must have caused strain on the tailbone area that didn’t show up until later. So I’m guessing I need to find a different seat? to accommodate my butt on a 220 pound body. Anybody else experience this problem and can recommend a seat that will fit the compression seat post Lectric provided with the upgraded seat? (and one that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg). Thanks.
The seat is simply a cushy wide platform for your rear end. Any "blame" would probably trace back to either a tilt issue (a trivial fix) or the shock of bumps (sorry, that would be hard to fix, short of going to a rear suspension). Not trying to make light of your pain, but try adjusting the seat first before saying there must be something wrong with it. Or it could be that you will always have issues with your tailbone. I injured mine ten years ago while cross-country skiing, of all things. Took years to fully heal.
Think about getting a suspension seat post. It will absorb all those bumps and vibrations. I use Cirrus Kinekt, which are a bit pricey but I love em. Others use Thudbusters and of course your Pedego dealer can help too.
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I do have the suspension seat post and upgraded seat that came with the Black Friday package they offered last month. A local bike shop recommended a seat they’ve had never any complaints about and suggested I bring the bike in for them to set the bike up with their seat so I could give it a test ride. I want to do this but my tailbone still hurts when sitting and it’s been ten days since I took my two mile ride and I want the soreness to be gone so I can see if their seat makes a difference. Kind of frustrating since I’ve been riding a motorcycle for years with no coccyx discomfort after 200 mile rides. I’m sure there’s a solution, I’ve just never had tailbone soreness last this long.
After riding my new XP 2.0 around the block a few days ago to get the feel of a peddle bike again, I trucked it out to a large empty parking lot yesterday and and rode two miles to get familiar with the throttle, PAS levels and gear shifting. Everything worked fine including loading and unloading it into the bed or my Ford Ranger pickup. I got the Black Friday bundle with the upgraded seat and seat post. I didn’t notice any “butt-killing” pain during the 20 minute ride but when I was sitting around my house after the ride I experienced soreness in my tail bone which I still notice as I’m sitting typing this.

Whenever I’ve bruised my tailbone the few times it’s happened in my life it always came from an incident that struck the bone. Since I didn’t feel pain when I was riding or strike it from slipping off the seat, I’m kind mystified as to what caused it, except that the seat must have caused strain on the tailbone area that didn’t show up until later. So I’m guessing I need to find a different seat? to accommodate my butt on a 220 pound body. Anybody else experience this problem and can recommend a seat that will fit the compression seat post Lectric provided with the upgraded seat? (and one that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg). Thanks.
It will go away. You just need to break your tail bone in!!