‘22 Specialized Turbo Vado 4.0 TCD issue


New Member
New Zealand
I’m having an issue with my bike’s TCD for 5 days now. The display only shows the battery life and it was dim as if on Stealth Mode (but apparenly Stealth Mode is not available in this model)


I tried the following but nothing worked:
  • Reseting the TCD
  • logging in/out of Mission Control
  • uninstalling/installing Mission Control
  • disconnecting/reconnecting the bike
  • fully charging both display and bike’s battery
  • Reseting display presets

Bike’s firmware is also currently up to date. Does anyone have an idea what’s happening? Is this a bug?
I haven’t gone to my LBS as I thought it would be an easy fix. I contacted Specialized but the only answer that I got was to check the brightness level in Mission Control. I already have it at 100% but it’s still dim. I also can still use the support modes but I’m unable to use the display as it doesn’t show any other information aside from battery %
You paid a hefty money for Specialized Warranty. I assume your LBS is very far from the place you live?
Does your Vado operate normally when you start the system? Do the + and - buttons change the assistance level?
The behaviour of your TCD-w as you described is abnormal, hence I suggested the intervention of the Specialized LBS.
I am having the same problem with a Como 3.0 my wife bought on Monday. The bike appears to function properly regarding assistance level and is OK to ride. The LBS was not aware of anything like this and is contacting Specialized. I will post any updates when I get them.
My 5.0 is still new to me, I have not used the app yet just got it loaded and connected. I am getting a message that there is a new firmware for the display. I am wondering if this has anything bearing on the issue and I may wait a little to install
That is probably not an issue. The Displays on both my wife's Como 3.0 and my Tero 3.0 appear to be the same version and the Tero works fine. Mission Control shows the Display Hardware is B.3.3 and the Firmware version is 18.B.0 on both bikes.
I found the nearest Specialized dealer and took my bike there last month and the guy was puzzled as well. However, once he got a hold of the Specialized tech on the phone, they were able to resolve it. I think they have to manually update(?) the TCD. I was told, when I updated my app, it triggered something in the TCD which activated the Stealth Mode.

He also said there could be a Stealth Mode control in the future for Vado models too.
My TCD stopped functioning about 6 months ago. I took it to a local Specialized dealer. They put in a warranty claim and Specialized replaced it with a new one. All well since. (The display basically quit working)
Bike is a 5.0 Vado SL step-through
My TCD stopped functioning about 6 months ago. I took it to a local Specialized dealer. They put in a warranty claim and Specialized replaced it with a new one. All well since. (The display basically quit working)
Bike is a 5.0 Vado SL step-through
This is not the TCD-w as it is in the "big" Vado, is it.
Resolved the issue with my wife's Como 3.0. The LBS indicated the Como was "shipped in stealth mode". They indicated that some bikes were being shipped that way. They downloaded mission control and took it out of "stealth mode." I do not see anything in my copy of mission control that would allow me to do that but in any case it is resolved. Sorry I cannot provide any better information.
Resolved the issue with my wife's Como 3.0. The LBS indicated the Como was "shipped in stealth mode". They indicated that some bikes were being shipped that way. They downloaded mission control and took it out of "stealth mode." I do not see anything in my copy of mission control that would allow me to do that but in any case it is resolved. Sorry I cannot provide any better information.
Stealth Mode is in there somewhere as I've seen it - probably stealthily hidden!
Very stealth. Pictures on the web and even on specialized.com show it on the tuning page. Unfortunately it does not show up on mine. I did reinstall Mission Control as there was a recent update. Maybe it is model specific.


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Is there a fix for this without taking it to a shop? This has happened to me as well. I purchased the Vado turbo 4.0 2023 3 weeks ago. I love this bike, but this is a show stopper for me.
Sorry, I cannot provide any additional information. I remember seeing on the web that "Stealth Mode" was only applicable to Levo and Kenevo models and maybe this is why I could not see it on my app when connected to my Tero or my wife's Como. I did not push the LBS for more details when they fixed it since I figured it was a one-time only problem for me.
What happens when you click "Customize display" in Mission Control?
Same issue when customizing the display. It was confirmed by specialized that Stealth Mode was enabled via my serial number. The corrective action is to take to an authorized dealer to disable. Apparently it was shipped in that mode. Luckily the dealer will not charge me. Slight disappointment so far.
I am having this same problem on My Vado. It is disappointing that they elected to "hide" the stealth toggle on the Vado so I have to go to the shop to have it fixed. It seems as if the Vado is fully stealth compatible, they just feel that they don't want to offer it to Vado owners for some reason and are limiting the function at the UI, not by the actual unit. I don't know how stealth was enabled on my unit, it literally just turned on before I went on a ride, and I have no way to turn it off. I imagine the same is true of Shuttle, and the other features. The e-Bike hardware is the same across units.

If Specialized is reading this, I highly recommend simplifying your code and just offering the capabilities across all bikes that can technically support it via hardware. I can totally see the code in my mind, looking something like "If Vado, Como, etc then hide, otherwise show" or something similar. But, there a lot of edge cases where things might get set accidentally, like Stealth in this case, with no way to turn it off.

Specialized has a great help section capability in Mission Control and if they just have the explanation detail available, they should offer the capability.

In fact, I would even enable stealth mode in the mastermind settings.