2020 Rize RX adding rear view mirror


New Member
I added a Hafney rearview mirror to my left handle bar today. I’d say the whole entire thing took about 15 minutes. I also recorded it just in case anybody wanted to see how.

The only thing you really have to decide when doing it is what order to place the different handlebar devices in. To me it seemed to work best with having the mirror next to the grip then the brake lever followed by the throttle and then the control pad.

If you ride this bike on city roads, seriously consider getting one of these. It just makes you feel so much more comfortable when you’re making turns to make sure there’s not a car screaming up from behind you. you also get the pleasure of watching other cyclists disappear in your rearview mirror.

Thanks Brighamdoc. Looks good and I was just thinking about a rear view mirror and my bike isn't due for a few weeks. I admit, I did briefly consider mounting my iPhone on the bars and using my older GoPro mounted on the rear. But that seems to be too much tech-gear and the lag between the Gopro 'liveview' and what shows on the iPhone was around 1.5-2 seconds if I recall correctly. A basic mirror seems much more practical. :)
Brilliant!..I ordered this mirror and would be upset mounting it with the other controls where they are. Your solution while not absolutely perfect, works well
I don't have the bike yet but the mirror arrived today and to my surprise, it's a bar end mount now... Rize must have realized that the old style had poor placement
I understand cost savings and all, but why advertise a bike as a commuter and NOT include a mirror. A mirror is a must when commuting with traffic. That was the second thing I bought after a helmet.
I agree... One thing though..... I wanted a bafang ultra and this bike has one and the cost is very competitive. I REALLY wanted the FLX blade 2.0 which has the ultra motor but also cost almost twice as much (also doesn't come with a mirror)