2020 Como 3 speed limiter question

Sorry had limited experience yesterday but pushed it more today :p
I´ve installed the Planet3 on my VADO 4.0. Very easy to install. It is working just perfect for me. The motor continoues to support alle the way. In theory up to 75km/h. In real life it makes it possible for me to keep an average speed at 30-32 km/h in flat terrain over a distance of 30km. Not bad :). According to Strava my top speed has been 83km/h.
I´ve installed the Planet3 on my VADO 4.0. Very easy to install. It is working just perfect for me. The motor continoues to support alle the way. In theory up to 75km/h. In real life it makes it possible for me to keep an average speed at 30-32 km/h in flat terrain over a distance of 30km. Not bad :). According to Strava my top speed has been 83km/h.

Hello! Im interested to know what kind of range you get with your Vado with a 30-32km/h average speed. Your set up is exactly what I aim for next summer (with the planet3). I have a 32km ride (64 km round trip, but I can charge at work), with lots of stretch where I will be able to sustain anhigh speed. The avg speed I approximated will be around 28 to 34km/h.

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Hello! Im interested to know what kind of range you get with your Vado with a 30-32km/h average speed. Your set up is exactly what I aim for next summer (with the planet3). I have a 32km ride (64 km round trip, but I can charge at work), with lots of stretch where I will be able to sustain anhigh speed. The avg speed I approximated will be around 28 to 34km/h.

With that average speed I would expect around 90km in eco mode. If in turbo at all time not more than 50km.
With that average speed I would expect around 90km in eco mode. If in turbo at all time not more than 50km.

Wow, better than I expected! I dont know yet which mode I will use, but I am happy to see that I will be able to do my morning ride of 32km in turbo mode and charge at work if I need turbo mode for the return home.

Many thanks!
It kinda depends on the gradients of terrain you ride.. When I switched from the Levo to Vado on tarmac I literally couldn't spend the battery. It's so much more efficient at rolling that I always rode trail or turbo and never even worried about the range. But it's not San Francisco.. mostly it's pretty flat-ish with 1-3% gradients here and there in the city.
It kinda depends on the gradients of terrain you ride.. When I switched from the Levo to Vado on tarmac I literally couldn't spend the battery. It's so much more efficient at rolling that I always rode trail or turbo and never even worried about the range. But it's not San Francisco.. mostly it's pretty flat-ish with 1-3% gradients here and there in the city.

Good point. I'm not concerned about hills though. I live in Montréal and its mostly flat. The only "hill" on my path would be Jacques-Cartier bridge (not sure about the gradient, but the length is about 1.5 km).

I'm excited now, cant wait for next summer!

Edit - For the curious, I found the specs of Jacques-Cartier bridge : 2 sections at 4%, one of 600m and the other at 1.2km. There's also a section of 3.8% for 350m.

Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjAAegQIBhAC&usg=AOvVaw2FbaT_SmrEagpOamM2P2h8
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