2019 Gazelle Arroyo Elite


Brooklyn, NY
Doesn't seem like it's been officially announced yet (and from what I hear it won't be available until March), but I stumbled upon a listing for Gazelle's 2019 Arroyo Elite on Scooteretti today:


Biggest difference is the battery — they've moved away from the rear rack-mounted Powerpack 500 and introduced an integrated Powertube 500 battery.

Other things to note:
  • Motor downgraded to the Bosch Active Line Plus (previously used the Performance Line motor)
  • Comes with the Purion display (previously came with the Intuvia)
  • Lights are back to being integrated in the fenders
  • Costs $100 more than last year
I was debating waiting for this model but ultimately decided to go with the 2018 version because of the more powerful motor and better display.

What do you all think?
I think you made a good decision to stay with the better motor on the 2018 model. I love my 2017 Gazelle Arroyo, which has the Performance Line/Intuvia and the front light integrated in the fender.
Gazelle Arroyo Elite's finally arrived. In stock and available for test rides and demo/rental.


FWIW, re: the comment above about the motor. Bear in mind that when the Performance Line motor is used with a Hub shift system (such as on the previous Arroyo), the motor is programmed to 50NM max - the same torque as is offered on the new Gazelle Arroyo Elite with the new Active Line Plus motor. One nice thing about the new Active Line Plus is; it's lighter than the Performance Line and has almost no drag with no pedal-assist is engaged. it rides great.


I really like this 2019 Arroyo ... except … the motor downgraded from Performance line to Active line and the display downgraded from Intuvia to Purion. It is a shame Gazelle made those changes. I will be keeping my 2017 model Arroyo.
Hi Alan, The new Active Line Plus delivers the same torque (when configured for a internal hub shifter) and it's lighter and has less drag than the Performance Line. Many folks view those as positive. You have a point about the Intuvia display - it has several computer functions that the Purion doesn't, so that's a nice touch.