2017 Easy Motion Bikes

Ravi Kempaiah

Well-Known Member
I was able to test some of the 2017 bikes.

Very impressed how they were able to squeeze in 600Whr (48V, 12.5Ah) battery so beautifully.
The new version of the Dapu motor is very powerful.

2015 models were running at 36v , 350W and the controller was programmed for zippy start. Lots of customers complained that ECO was too strong and it needs to be toned down.

So, 2016 models (48V, 500W motors) had milder controller programming for ECO and STD.

For 2017, they have tweaked it further to make it zippy and powerful over a fairly large torque band. It has more oomph than some of the powerful Pedego models.

Another improvement is thru axle system on the hub motor bikes. Up until 2016, they had a kind of built-in ratchet system and now it's even better.

While mid-drives are great for mountain biking, the simplicity and power of hub motors for commuting or long distance riding can't be ignored.

2017 EVO Pro ... a great looking bike.
Nice! The frames and battery integration for Easy Motion have always been a big draw for me. It's cool that these cells are able to fit into the same or similar space but offer that higher energy density :)
Nice to see worthy upgrades to the line. I understood the batteries are now in an extruded aluminium shell, which is certainly beneficial in hotter climates.
Showing the "speed hack" in an official video is interesting. And the warning/disclaimer seems to be aimed at the end user, even though this is clearly not an end user diagnostic tool and cable. It's possibly only meant for the 48V Evo bikes, if they really are limited in software somehow, instead of being hardwired to run at a certain RPM. This might just be a marketing stunt to get a few more bikes sold on the promise of easy speed hacking, but never delivering. We'd all love hear more on this.

The Revo line would benefit the most from this, as the Brose speed limit is purely in software (and ultimately max rpm/drivetrain ratio), but the Revos are not listed in the drop down menu, and Brose probably has their own carefully protected software.
Showing the "speed hack" in an official video is interesting. And the warning/disclaimer seems to be aimed at the end user, even though this is clearly not an end user diagnostic tool and cable. It's possibly only meant for the 48V Evo bikes, if they really are limited in software somehow, instead of being hardwired to run at a certain RPM. This might just be a marketing stunt to get a few more bikes sold on the promise of easy speed hacking, but never delivering. We'd all love hear more on this.

The Revo line would benefit the most from this, as the Brose speed limit is purely in software (and ultimately max rpm/drivetrain ratio), but the Revos are not listed in the drop down menu, and Brose probably has their own carefully protected software.

That's a nice catch! I did not think of that before.
I am going to try detuning the EVO Jumper Pro and see if I can get the assist upto 28mph. That would be an awesome bike to ride.
Has anyone done a review of the 2017 EVO cross yet? Can anyone tell me what upgrades there will be on the 2017 line other than battery size? Thank you Carl C.
That's a nice catch! I did not think of that before.
I am going to try detuning the EVO Jumper Pro and see if I can get the assist upto 28mph. That would be an awesome bike to ride.

Hello Ravi,

Did you have a chance to test the Diagnostic Tool's unlimited setup on your EVO Jumper Pro ?
Hello Ravi,

Did you have a chance to test the Diagnostic Tool's unlimited setup on your EVO Jumper Pro ?

Hi Taipan,

Yes, we were able to test it and unfortunately, Diagnostic tool doesn't remove the speed limit.
I am still trying to find a solution...
I was able to test some of the 2017 bikes.

Very impressed how they were able to squeeze in 600Whr (48V, 12.5Ah) battery so beautifully.
The new version of the Dapu motor is very powerful.

2015 models were running at 36v , 350W and the controller was programmed for zippy start. Lots of customers complained that ECO was too strong and it needs to be toned down.

So, 2016 models (48V, 500W motors) had milder controller programming for ECO and STD.

For 2017, they have tweaked it further to make it zippy and powerful over a fairly large torque band. It has more oomph than some of the powerful Pedego models.

Another improvement is thru axle system on the hub motor bikes. Up until 2016, they had a kind of built-in ratchet system and now it's even better.

While mid-drives are great for mountain biking, the simplicity and power of hub motors for commuting or long distance riding can't be ignored.

2017 EVO Pro ... a great looking bike.
May get an easy motion 27.5 next week. 500 w motor. Pedal assist. But no throttle. Is this typical?
I don't know how BH-Easy Motion bikes are supported in North America but here in Sweden it's a nightmare.

I bought two BH bikes in November 2016 (a Nitro City and a Evo City) for me and my sister in Stockholm.

Both broke down already (battery management system on the Nitro and motor on the Evo) and it's a real pain to get support from BH Europe: they play blame games between the store, the local importer (KGK Sweden) and themselves.

Here's an example: my Nitro experienced battery and LCD crashes within a week of ownership so I returned it to the store for analysis/repair. They sent it to the local importer (KGK Sweden) for full analysis b/c they have diagnosis tools not available to local stores.
The bike came back 15 days later with "No problem, working as intended".

But it kept crashing.
Up to the point where I decided to get a GoPro camera to document it.

Here's a video excerpt (done 2 months after I first reported the issue) where the battery/LCD crashes -all power lost- twice in 10 minutes so you can be the judge by yourself.
What you will see: I'm riding the Nitro with level 2 assist (out of 4) and suddenly the support vanishes in the pedals then the LCD goes blank (no info about battery level, assist level etc.), then goes dark (zero power), then goes blank again (no info etc.).

A few minutes later on the same ride, same battery/crash happens and you can clearly see the LCD going blank then off.


Only solution is to turn off the LCD, restart it then wait for next crash.

I don't think I'll ever buy a BH bike again, can't trust a corporation playing legal rulebook against its end-user.

My advice: stay away from BH-Easy Motion products, they suck, their support sucks and their HQ hotline [email protected] sucks as useless as well.
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I don't know how BH-Easy Motion bikes are supported in North America but here in Sweden it's a nightmare.

I bought two BH bikes in November 2016 (a Nitro City and a Evo City) for me and my sister in Stockholm.

Both broke down already (battery management system on the Nitro and motor on the Evo) and it's a real pain to get support from BH Europe: they play blame games between the store, the local importer (KGK Sweden) and themselves.

Here's an example: my Nitro experienced battery and LCD crashes within a week of ownership so I returned it to the store for analysis/repair. They sent it to the local importer (KGK Sweden) for full analysis b/c they have diagnosis tools not available to local stores.
The bike came back 15 days later with "No problem, working as intended".

But it kept crashing.
Up to the point where I decided to get a GoPro camera to document it.

Here's a video excerpt (done 2 months after I first reported the issue) where the battery/LCD crashes -all power lost- twice in 10 minutes so you can be the judge by yourself.
What you will see: I'm riding the Nitro with level 2 assist (out of 4) and suddenly the support vanishes in the pedals then the LCD goes blank (no info about battery level, assist level etc.), then goes dark (zero power), then goes blank again (no info etc.).

A few minutes later on the same ride, same battery/crash happens and you can clearly see the LCD going blank then off.


Only solution is to turn off the LCD, restart it then wait for next crash.

I don't think I'll ever buy a BH bike again, can't trust a corporation playing legal rulebook against its end-user.

My advice: stay away from BH-Easy Motion products, they suck, their support sucks and their HQ hotline [email protected] sucks as useless as well.

@Taipan ,

I am sorry you're having issues. The US support for EM bikes is exactly opposite.
The store has least 75 easy motion bikes on the floor and the guys at BH USA are nothing but supportive. If we need parts, they ship it within 1 business day.
They have been reliable too. Occasionally, we see some controller failure or display going bad but the rate is very minimal.
The problem in UK and EU seems to be some lousy distributors are representing the brand.
Let us know if we can help you in anyway.
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Hi @Ravi Kempaiah

Thanks for your kind message.

But the "circus" continues here in Stockholm, Sweden.
And extends beyond the "they ship it within 1 business day" value.

1. After I dropped my sister's bike for repair at the store a week ago (Wednesday March 15th) due to defective motor (diagnosed by another e-bike store not representing BH-Easy Motion),
the news just came back:
The After-Sales Service at KGK Motors Sweden (BH distributor) sent an incompatible wheel for exchange to the store.

How could they fail to use a Factory Serial Number to identify compatible components ?

This is a joke.

2. The Bullshit extends to BH-Easy Motion Headquarters in Spain:
I have emails from their Customer Support conflicting directly with Mr Klas Östlund, CEO of their Swedish distributor (KGK Motors), about after-sales support duties in 2017.
When I brought it up to their attention, they (BH Customer Support in Spain HQ) just went AWOL/AFAK.

I can provide you with copies/screenshots so you assess their blame_game yourself.

PS: editing more Go-Pro videos about battery/LCD failures to support on Youtube.
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Hi Taipan
I feel your pain, I have been through similar power loss issues with my Evo 29er. Fortunately the retailer I bought the bike from and the distributor here in NZ have both been extremely helpful.
After trying several times to find the cause of the problem they gave up trying and replaced the bike with a new one which was great but unfortunately the new bike had a problem with the spring loaded contacts on the back of the LCD sticking resulting in a power loss every time i pressed a button. This was replaced with a new one.
Then the power loss issue started happening again, it would happen when the temperature was a bit cooler and when I wasn't actually pedalling. Sometimes it would happen when stopped at traffic lights, freewheeling or immediately after turning it before even getting on the bike. Unlike your issue it would sometimes not turn back on for for about 5 minutes or so and sometimes when it finally did turn back on, the total distance travelled would be reset to zero.
After a few goes at finding the cause of the problem the distributor finally tracked it down to a fault with the battery, so they gave me a replacement new battery. I've now been running the bike with the new battery for about 6 weeks and haven't had a single power loss incident.
Finger's crossed that there will be no more issues.
I hope you manage to get some resolution to your problem.
Hello Taipan,

Arggg I hate hearing things like this. As mentioned above the Easy Motion team here in North America are amazing. As a dealer they are incredibly supportive and fast.

Let me see if I can help you here remotely. In looking at your video, I noticed that the error codes that appear on your screen are 13 and 14. So I do have a few questions:

  1. Do you get any other error codes that appear on the screen? If yes, which one's do you see?
  2. Do all error codes appear at the same time or just randomly. One time ti's 13 then next time it's 14 etc....
  3. What is the outside temperature? Before riding the bike is the battery kept indoors or is it left on the bike? If left on the bike what temperature is the battery stored at?
  4. When the system shuts down on you, do you have a estimate of how much battery power is left? Is it full, half empty or almost empty?
  5. With display off the bike and cold, flip it upside down and let me know if any one of the pins on the back look more push in then the others. If not then gently push on the pins on the bottom of the display. These are spring loaded so if you press on them with your fingernail and remove they should extend back out easily and quickly. If not this is a problem.
  6. Is the display holder base easy to rotate on the handlebars? If not, loosen the 2 allen key screws under the display slightly. If they are too tight they can cause a poor connection between the base and display pins.
If you can advise this will help me know what direction to recommend moving forward.


Hello @WelshBazinNZ and @Scooteretti:

Thank you both for your kind messages.
I REALLY appreciate how you are trying both to help.
This is SO north-american way to deal with issues.
Just kudos/respect to both of you.

All the questions both of you make a lot of sense, the problem is NO-ONE here either ASK or UNDERSTAND them.
It's like going to a computer store and stating "Windows 10 is crashing" and they ask you "Did you update Windows 3.1 ?"


At this point in time, all we got back here in Stockholm (Sweden) from BH-Easy Motion HeadQuarters is the following message from their "North Europe Export Manager":

(copy/paste from Court's Youtube latest video on Easy Motion Big Bud Pro comment section)

Oh yes Court, my experience has been VERY different indeed. I have suffered (and still is) the abysmal quality of BH-Easy Motion ebikes since I bought two units in November 2016 in Stockholm(Sweden).

One of them - a Nitro City SpeedElec- was basically DOA (Dead On Arrival) and the other - a Evo City- suffered fatal motor breakdown two weeks ago.

I won't annoy you into further details here but please appreciate the last move from BH-Easy Motion Bikes Headquarters.

As required by "My name is Andoni Ixxxxx and I am the Export Manager in charge of your country": "As I see with the issues your bike is having, most sure we will have to bring it back to Vitoria (note: BH factory in Spain) for reparation".

To put things into perspective for North American readers about Stockholm(Sweden) to Vitoria(Spain): This is like you buying a BH-Easy Motion bike in Montreal(Canada) and being requested to ship it back to Mexico City(Mexico) for analysis/diagnosis.

That's right: ship it over 2,000 miles for "diagnosis" (and no replacement bike offered during downtime).

This is wrong on SO many levels (economical, environmental, financial, logistical, whatever) that I can only post "IS THAT A JOKE ?" when you copy/paste their Public Relations content on your channel.

Hope you understand. E. PS: truly love your work for ebikes btw. Just need to call out / warn against some obvious abusers looking for easy money.


Are we, my sister and me, way out of decent expectations from BH-Easy Motion ?

What is your take, seen from US of A ?

PS: we are getting very upset here and ready to escalate (low then high profile) if local people don't show a minimal of respect to my sister and me.
If we are forced to write off 6-8,000 USD as a rip-off from BH-Easy Motion, we'll deal with it up to a point.
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