2015 Turbo X, Maximum Speed?


New Member
Hi Everyone,

this is my first thread here after reading a lot for the last few month. It’s great that this forum exists!

I just will give you a short prehistory before I come to the point.

For about a year I am a almost lucky owner of a Turbo X (Model 2015) with a 200 W Motor.
I use the bike mainly for commuting about 46 km daily. I am about 1,85 m and including
an office bag I bring about 88 kg on the bike.

After getting the bike last september my first disappointment was, that I was almost unable to go faster then 38 kph (23,6 mph) on flat roads. Maximum speed for a very short while was 40 kph (25 mph). This felt strange as the Turbo X that I had test ridden in an other store made 42 kph (26 mph) max speed easily.

After arguing with the dealer and Specialized they send a new 200W motor in may this year. With this motor max speed was 42+ kph (26 mph) (like the TurboX I had test ridden). But this motor had some strange bug. In Turbo mode it felt like Eco 60 mode with strange on and offs in power support, like a 4 cylinder motor just firing on 3 cylinders.

Fortunately my dealer had stored the original motor/back wheel and reinstalled it.

About three weeks ago Specialized send a second exchange motor/back wheel. And guess what it behaves exactly like the original motor. Top speed is 38 kph (23,6 mph) on flat surface with no wind. For a very short while I can speed up to 40 kph (25 mph). If I go downhill or there is strong wind from the back I might achieve 42+ kph (26+ mph).

Now -and this leads to my question- the statement from Specialized is this:

„For a 200W motor your results are completely normal.“

This doesn’t match with my first test ride experience, and it doesn’t match with the comment in EBR Video review, where he says, „… so pretty consistently 26 mph (42 kph …“,
https://electricbikereview.com/specialized/turbo-x/ (look at 25:25),
and it doesn’t match with a guy from Sweden who posted a short video on youtube, riding a 2015 Turbo X and showing the display switching in between 41 - 47 kph.

I am curious what maximum speed you achieve with a 200W Motor driving in Turbo mode with Turbo X or basic Turbo?
Standard Turbo 2015 model: 38kph is normal without hammering too hard. If I pedal my a$$ off it will go 42-44kph. Slight downhill or wind behind me I get 41-44. Motor assistance cuts out around 42-45 kph. 47 is only possible down a reasonable hill.
Remember some of the 'intelligence' is in the battery assembly, so that might be the common aspect on your bike.
Just curious how you turn on your bike. Any chance you are doing anything with the pedals while turning it on? I know if you apply an sort of forces to the torque sensor when you turn it on, the Turbo's computers will calculate 0MPH incorrectly. This can result in a lagging performance feel. Could even be you have a faulty torque sensor. Don't really know. There are a lot of variables that can affect top speed, but if you really feel like the bike isn't performing like it should, torque sensor may be something to look into if your motor is fine and dealer verified the controller's speed is set properly.
Just curious how you turn on your bike. Any chance you are doing anything with the pedals while turning it on? I know if you apply an sort of forces to the torque sensor when you turn it on, the Turbo's computers will calculate 0MPH incorrectly. This can result in a lagging performance feel. Could even be you have a faulty torque sensor. Don't really know. There are a lot of variables that can affect top speed, but if you really feel like the bike isn't performing like it should, torque sensor may be something to look into if your motor is fine and dealer verified the controller's speed is set properly.

Sometimes I am on the bike already when I start the system. Then I probably do something with the pedals.
Could that disturb the computer altogether?
There seems no difference to me if I start the system without touching the pedals or with touching the pedals.

I also compared the speed shown on the display with the tracking results in my navigation app. They match.

I can’t find out where the torque sensor is situated on the Turbos. Is it in the Hub or is it in the bottom bracket?

With the original motor and with the exchange motor it feels like, if I come close to 40 kph the motor starts „working against“ me. With the first exchange motor that one with the buggy feeling it was not like that.
There was no felt braking around 40 kph. That would speak against torque sensor issues, if this is in the bottom bracket, am I right?

James how fast can you go with your 200W Turbo?

I am really interested to hear from many riders, because I think the statement of the Specialized crew („For a 200W motor your results are completely normal.“) is just not right.
I did a 7-mile test ride of a 2016 Turbo X yesterday and thought I'd share my results if helpful. (Admittedly, the 2016 has the more powerful 250W motor, so this isn't exactly apples to apples.)

In Turbo mode, a steady 27-28 mph (indicated) was definitely doable with a solid pedaling effort. I ran it through Strava and one one clear section of (unobstructed flat 0.8 mile), my average was about 27.7 mph. I don't know how hard it would be to maintain this speed for 5 (or 20) miles, but it was not a problem to hit that speed for at least a mile.
ROJA...on the 2015 Turbo X, the same number should be 26.1 mph (42km/h) instead of 28 mph (45km/h).
I ran it through Strava and one one clear section of (unobstructed flat 0.8 mile), my average was about 27.7 mph. I don't know how hard it would be to maintain this speed for 5 (or 20) miles, but it was not a problem to hit that speed for at least a mile.

Thank you for charing • sounds cool • may be I should have waited for the 2016 Turbo X to come ;)

Douglas... that's what I expected! But according to Specialized Rider Care Team 26.1 mph (42km/h) is the average top speed of the
2016 Turbo X as 40 kph (25 mph) is average top speed of 2015 model (sorry if I repeat myself). So it's really good to hear, that your bike is doing 26.1 mph (42km/h) with a 200 W motor.

Interesting enough I had 4 different 200W motors to ride and each one was behaving different not only according to top speed.
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Have you tried checking and/or changing wheeel circumference in the mission control app settings? My guess is that the real cut-out speed can be increased/decreased that way depending on the circumference you choose. It will not change the read out on the Turbo control or in the mission app. But you would be able to see it if you install a cheap bike computer or if you analyze your ride in Strava (which receivesv only gps data and should record the true speed)
James how fast can you go with your 200W Turbo?

I am really the worst person to ask about top speeds. My normal speed I travel at is probably 20MPH. I guess I'm never really in a hurry. I've certainly hit 26MPH on a number of occasions, but I've never intentionally tried to sustain it for long periods of time. One might ask why I chose a 26MPH bike if I really only travel at 20MPH. Well, this is my first e-bike and I figured get more than you want and you won't be disappointed =). I'd rather have it and not really utilize it than not have it and wish I had it later.
Have you tried checking and/or changing wheeel circumference in the mission control app settings? My guess is that the real cut-out speed can be increased/decreased that way depending on the circumference you choose. It will not change the read out on the Turbo control or in the mission app.
I will try this when I eventually get the new battery (I have ordered it in may). The original 460 Wh battery can’t connect to the mission control app yet.

A few days ago I got motor nr. 1 reinstalled. The exchange motor was less powerful although it was exactly same built!?
On my commute of 23 km the new motor used about 55 % of battery as motor nr. 1 needs about 65 % of battery under similar circumstances in Turbo mode.
I will stay now with the original motor because performance is really great compared with the two exchange motors that Specialized sent beside the fact of lacking top speed. Most of the time I can smile again :)

And @James Kohls I try not touching the pedals while starting the system. I’m not sure yet, but it seems to make a difference ;-) Sometimes I have the feeling the motor doesn't stop me at 40 kph. But this has to be proved under various occasions.
Well, this is my first e-bike and I figured get more than you want and you won't be disappointed =). I'd rather have it and not really utilize it than not have it and wish I had it later.
Well done! In my case in terms of speed I should have stayed with the Stromer ST1 then. But I didn’t like it so much and I missed the front suspension. With the Turbo X I fell in love straightaway …
There are settings the dealer/rep can change in the updated app. I also am running on a second wheel, the first one constantly accelerated, but the second wheel just felt slower. Slower to top speed especially, like I really had to be on the pedals for it to kick in.

The last time the manager was looking into the settings on my bike he maxed everything and if I'm not mistaken there was a field called "torque input" or something like that. I was going to change it to something lower but have decided against it since I have so much more of the battery left on my commute(38%vs.56%) so I guess I will hopefully make up the rest in the future.

My top speed with assist was about 27.something before it would cut out on both wheels.
Saw a guy in my rear view mirror pull in to draft me. Decided to push it to 26 and see how long he could keep up.

I find it interesting how most people I pass could care less. They're just out enjoying the ride. It is the Jersey'd pathletes that love to give you the stare down. Check out 4m17s.
My top speed with assist was about 27.something before it would cut out on both wheels.

Am I mistaken when I remember that you have a 200 W motor (2015 Turbo X)?

I was going to change it to something lower but have decided against it since I have so much more of the battery left on my commute(38%vs.56%) so I guess I will hopefully make up the rest in the future.

Good choice I guess. I already regret to have the juice sucking motor reinstalled. Yesterday I had 28% power left after my 23 km ride home.
There was no wind or anything else that was asking for more power. A few days ago I had 35% left. And as I posted before with the exchange motor it was 45%. Same commute same weight same wind Turbo mode all the way ...

The last time the manager was looking into the settings on my bike he maxed everything and if I'm not mistaken there was a field called "torque input" or something like that.

I have to check that out. Thank you very much!
I test rode a base 2015 Specialized Turbo last year (not the 'X') and it did exactly what you describe. On the speedometer you could feel it pulling power at 23.5mph and the motor was completely shut off at 25mph. Made it hard to cruise at more than about 24mph. After riding that bike I knew I wanted an e-bike that could cruise at 28mph (ended up on a Juiced Bikes Cross Current.)
Saw a guy in my rear view mirror pull in to draft me. Decided to push it to 26 and see how long he could keep up.

I find it interesting how most people I pass could care less. They're just out enjoying the ride. It is the Jersey'd pathletes that love to give you the stare down. Check out 4m17s.
Nice cycleway. I love that sense of speed, find it quite addictive.
Am I mistaken when I remember that you have a 200 W motor (2015 Turbo X)?

Yup, I believe it is the 200W motor. The new wheel is slower to top speed but with the extra charge I have in reserve I can do a round trip without charging...so that is nice.
Today I was able to cruise on the flats in full Turbo mode with the 691 Wh Turbo S battery on my 200W base Turbo. I was able to sustain at least 27 mph with assist still running. The cutout was just above 27 mph. I logged a mile in 2:16 which is 26.5 mph. Cadence was around 90 rpm. This is definitely faster than I could go (by maybe 1 or 1.5 mph) using the 468 Wh standard Turbo battery.