OK, great! Got the replacement parts from ElectricScooterParts and I installed them last month (February here in NJ is COLD, no bike riding), so all done in about 1 hour. Took it for a spin (35 miles) and everything is great, reach for the controls with left thumb is great, it's perfect in that respect.
However, there are 2 items that are of concern.
While riding, I kept feeling like something was turning off. I triple checked all connections, brake sensors, everything, to no avail. But today, it smacked me in the head!
Every time I hit 20 MPH, some sort of "governor" or 'inhibitor' kicks in. I tested it for 15 miles. As soon as I passed 19.9 MPH, the drag started, the pedal assist
stopped, until my speed dropped below 20 MPH.
This never had happened before with the original button pad and display.
The components are all tied together with the display and button pad and the brake sensor connectors.
So, I'm thinking out loud here, is there any programming capability via the buttons/display to raise that back or disable it.
I understand all of the negatives, however, if I was able to go 25 MPH before and now limited to 20 MPH, I'd guess I've wasted my money, but there has to be some override via programming somewhere......
The other item, which is not a deal breaker for me is that the twist throttle no longer works. Not that it's a big deal without it, but possibly the 2 are somehow integrated?
So, with that said, is this an item that has to be considered for newer e-bikes, that they are limited in some way? I again understand the legalities but if it was OK before, and not now, is the new now the replacement for the old was ok?
Anybody know of the way to program the control unit?