20"250W Goplus folding bike from Ebay


New Member
Hello guys,

Just got into the game with a brand new voltbike urban and having lots of fun commuting to work with it. Problem is : my 13yrs old son and wife tried it and loved it as well and now they want one, problem is a decent ebike is pretty expensive...

I've came across this auction on ebay : https://www.ebay.ca/itm/20-250W-36V...161164?hash=item3b0f251dcc:g:f8AAAOSw1m5bDjxY

I know this is a cheap bike but I've read good reviews of it on amazon and seeing it being sold for such a low price (260US) used to be sold for around 400 makes me wonder if it would be a good cheap choice to have my wife and son ride it sometimes as a casual bike.

I know what to expect for quality but I'm wondering if there could a trap at such a low price? Any of you guys used a low end ebike like ancheer or goplus? If yes what were your impressions?

-Thanks in advance!
that's bait and switch used on many ebay ebikes. When you get into the auction and select the elctric bike the price will shoot up. They list mutiple ebikes with one regular bike or some other inexpensive item and use that selection for the price you see with the electric bike. Be Careful!!!
"my 13yrs old son and wife" Almost reads like your son is married! LOL eBay is the very last place I would buy a bike. They can change their name and open a new store in a heartbeat. But if want to test how good your credit card company is with bad purchases, I guess you can try. As far as I'm concerned, you can't put a price on fun with the family, especially when a teenager is involved!
Agreed with Rich - the very last place to buy a bike.
No disrespect here, but Amazon reviews are often written by people who are incompetent or have just bought it and can't tell about long-term performance. When there are less than 10 reviews and most are positive, they are likely fake.
Btw, Ebay link doesn't show an e-bike anymore, - only a kit.