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  1. Z

    Life Gone in an Instant

    Before posting let me say I am just repeating what the original poster of said video stated . This person neck was broken . He was rushed to hospital but did not survive. Just shows none of us know the day we wake up and are standing before our...
  2. Z

    Electric Car thread

    Battery cars are fun as Sunday Funday : Beyond that they are very much a royal pain to go any great distance in . Buttttt that seems to be the whole plan .
  3. Z

    Do you support the US federal E-BIKE act?

    The pipeline America blew up did 100 years worth of damage . Climate Change is all a means to an end of controlling people . What is coming is hell on earth , literally .
  4. Z

    Do you support the US federal E-BIKE act?

    HA what do you know . Someone else that has a brain . Plus remembers 3rd grade science class . Think about how arrogant these globalist elites are . They can't control the weather . When they cloud seed they screw it all up . :)
  5. Z

    Do you support the US federal E-BIKE act?

    No we aren't . Currently we are just over 3% If it falls below 2% everything dies . Do you listen to what they say at the WHO and WEF ? They are planning to depopulate the world . Open your eyes and ears . This is it and the recent events in Israel validate that in spades .
  6. Z

    Do you support the US federal E-BIKE act?

    It's all a scam . C02 makes up less then 4% of our total atmosphere . If it falls below 2% . Everything including us dies . Which is the intention anyway . Zero C02 by 2030 ?? That means we are all dead . LOL Seriously it's what they have in mind
  7. Z

    Electric Car thread

    I learned as a kid that most people will always follow the crowd and the status quo . Time is running out . And running out really fast . People are in denial because the Sun still shines . Until the day it doesn't
  8. Z

    Electric Car thread

    It's all good as extra . But they want it as only . Look at Germany or Europe in general . Last winter people burned wood to survive . excessive heat isn't as deadly as excessive cold . Especially on older people
  9. Z

    Electric Car thread

    If batteries are re-usable . Why is it less then 5% are actually recycled ? What's happening that we aren't bothering ? Is it true they can be reused ? Seems odd if the figures of 90 % can be recycled . It's not being done . Especially when they are so costly environmentally to produce in the...
  10. Z

    Electric Car thread

    Leave it to a lefty to argue using an exception to the rule. Do you understand how lithium is mined ? It's 1000 plus times worse . Plus we aren't talking about E-Bikes . We are talking about everything . People like you don't get it do you ? The save the earth BS isn't about anything other...
  11. Z

    Electric Car thread

    The problem is some EV are fine . They want it all electric . They are even trying to change building codes that require electric stoves . We happen to like electric stoves . Easier to clean and only one coil to replace . If it even needs it . It's a mandatory thing . All being crammed down our...
  12. Z

    I thought Class 3 would feel safer on the road

    I would guess most who carry can control their tempers . But you never know . We passed a parked car this weekend that was parked in a Bike lane right in front of a No parking sign . My fiend says as we pass . You're in our bike lane . The guy got so mad he followed us for over a mile while...
  13. Z

    Electric Car thread

    LOL Why expose yourself to that > I wonder how many EV's explode yearly they don't report ? Probably a bunch
  14. Z

    I thought Class 3 would feel safer on the road

    This has nothing to do with people hating bikers . And more to do with everyone is totally self focused these days . Everyone is in a hurry . Also if they have never ridden a Bike along side cars . They have no concept of what it feels like to have a car close . There's more road rage today then...
  15. Z

    Electric Car thread

    Electric cars are utterly stupid . Dumb Dumb Dumb . Far more damage to the environment and animal habitats then oil will ever be . They are killing the planet and telling you they are saving it . What a Deception for the crowd to follow . If this offends you ? Good maybe it will wake you up .
  16. Z

    E-Bike Insurance

    LOL Now you are being stupid . You asked for professional advice and then question it ? They just told you that because you asked . Call up and ask if you can separately insure your vacuum and they will tell you the same thing . INSURANCE IS ALL THE SAME . What differs from 1 state to the next...
  17. Z

    E-Bike Insurance

    I already stated I am in the Insurance Business . They don't separately insure E-Bike -Just like they don't separately insure golf clubs or lawn mowers or anything else not considered structural in your home . It has nothing to do with the motor . Think for a minute as a homeowner how many...
  18. Z

    E-Bike Insurance

    Your ebikes like you guns , guitars , lawn tractors , boats etc . Are covered under your home policy . There are exception like diamonds where you can add additional cover . That's why there's no E-Bike specific . It's a pedal bike . Do you have your riding mower insured ? Or your Chain saw, or...
  19. Z

    Can One order Garmin Varias on 2022 Turbo Vado 4.0?

    Soooo would you want this if you knew where you were going ?
  20. Z

    Rebuilding Vado 4 battery vs buying a new one for $1K

    This Blevo is the one I see on the app store ?