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  1. Z

    Not buying Specialized ebikes again.

    I said I wasn't familiar with this particular Bike. Thinking about it It's likely whatever he's cleaning it with has caused the crank seals to squeak. If the engine is gear driven wouldn't it grind if there was an issue? My main point is that it's a pedal bike. If it's not covered under warranty...
  2. Z

    Not buying Specialized ebikes again.

    I don't mean to offend you but it just a pedal bike with a motor. People tend to think they are some big complicated monster. I would think any competent mechanic could fix it with a new belt . I check if belts are sold for it and found they were. So it must be a common issue that requires...
  3. Z

    Life Gone in an Instant

    Before posting let me say I am just repeating what the original poster of said video stated . This person neck was broken . He was rushed to hospital but did not survive. Just shows none of us know the day we wake up and are standing before our...
  4. Z

    Electric Car thread

    Battery cars are fun as Sunday Funday : Beyond that they are very much a royal pain to go any great distance in . Buttttt that seems to be the whole plan .
  5. Z

    Do you support the US federal E-BIKE act?

    The pipeline America blew up did 100 years worth of damage . Climate Change is all a means to an end of controlling people . What is coming is hell on earth , literally .
  6. Z

    Do you support the US federal E-BIKE act?

    HA what do you know . Someone else that has a brain . Plus remembers 3rd grade science class . Think about how arrogant these globalist elites are . They can't control the weather . When they cloud seed they screw it all up . :)
  7. Z

    Do you support the US federal E-BIKE act?

    No we aren't . Currently we are just over 3% If it falls below 2% everything dies . Do you listen to what they say at the WHO and WEF ? They are planning to depopulate the world . Open your eyes and ears . This is it and the recent events in Israel validate that in spades .
  8. Z

    Do you support the US federal E-BIKE act?

    It's all a scam . C02 makes up less then 4% of our total atmosphere . If it falls below 2% . Everything including us dies . Which is the intention anyway . Zero C02 by 2030 ?? That means we are all dead . LOL Seriously it's what they have in mind
  9. Z

    Electric Car thread

    I learned as a kid that most people will always follow the crowd and the status quo . Time is running out . And running out really fast . People are in denial because the Sun still shines . Until the day it doesn't
  10. Z

    Electric Car thread

    It's all good as extra . But they want it as only . Look at Germany or Europe in general . Last winter people burned wood to survive . excessive heat isn't as deadly as excessive cold . Especially on older people
  11. Z

    Electric Car thread

    If batteries are re-usable . Why is it less then 5% are actually recycled ? What's happening that we aren't bothering ? Is it true they can be reused ? Seems odd if the figures of 90 % can be recycled . It's not being done . Especially when they are so costly environmentally to produce in the...
  12. Z

    Electric Car thread

    Leave it to a lefty to argue using an exception to the rule. Do you understand how lithium is mined ? It's 1000 plus times worse . Plus we aren't talking about E-Bikes . We are talking about everything . People like you don't get it do you ? The save the earth BS isn't about anything other...
  13. Z

    Electric Car thread

    The problem is some EV are fine . They want it all electric . They are even trying to change building codes that require electric stoves . We happen to like electric stoves . Easier to clean and only one coil to replace . If it even needs it . It's a mandatory thing . All being crammed down our...
  14. Z

    I thought Class 3 would feel safer on the road

    I would guess most who carry can control their tempers . But you never know . We passed a parked car this weekend that was parked in a Bike lane right in front of a No parking sign . My fiend says as we pass . You're in our bike lane . The guy got so mad he followed us for over a mile while...
  15. Z

    Electric Car thread

    LOL Why expose yourself to that > I wonder how many EV's explode yearly they don't report ? Probably a bunch
  16. Z

    I thought Class 3 would feel safer on the road

    This has nothing to do with people hating bikers . And more to do with everyone is totally self focused these days . Everyone is in a hurry . Also if they have never ridden a Bike along side cars . They have no concept of what it feels like to have a car close . There's more road rage today then...
  17. Z

    Electric Car thread

    Electric cars are utterly stupid . Dumb Dumb Dumb . Far more damage to the environment and animal habitats then oil will ever be . They are killing the planet and telling you they are saving it . What a Deception for the crowd to follow . If this offends you ? Good maybe it will wake you up .
  18. Z

    E-Bike Insurance

    LOL Now you are being stupid . You asked for professional advice and then question it ? They just told you that because you asked . Call up and ask if you can separately insure your vacuum and they will tell you the same thing . INSURANCE IS ALL THE SAME . What differs from 1 state to the next...
  19. Z

    E-Bike Insurance

    I already stated I am in the Insurance Business . They don't separately insure E-Bike -Just like they don't separately insure golf clubs or lawn mowers or anything else not considered structural in your home . It has nothing to do with the motor . Think for a minute as a homeowner how many...
  20. Z

    E-Bike Insurance

    Your ebikes like you guns , guitars , lawn tractors , boats etc . Are covered under your home policy . There are exception like diamonds where you can add additional cover . That's why there's no E-Bike specific . It's a pedal bike . Do you have your riding mower insured ? Or your Chain saw, or...