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    Chain maintenance

    Hello as I am a new ebike owner (and never did any maintenance on my bio bike) I am wondering about chain maintenance: - how often / when to do it - what needs to be done - Oli (?) or wax - what is better Thank you for getting me started !
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    Has anyone used Garmin Edge 130 with a Giant e-bike with RideControl One remote?

    Hi , yes it does :) I am using the cadence and haven‘t tried the others. I can see the battery and assistart level on the TCU so I don‘t need this. Remaining range only works with Generation 3 ebikes with the new Mastermind TCU. On my Vado SL only 1km is shown. Here is a link to a German side...
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    Garmin 130 plus with Vado SL

    I start using my Garmin Edge Explore to display the cadence from my Vado SL. Not sure if the other parameters are accessible as well. There is something called „multifield ebike field“ that you can download from the IQ Connect Store which might display more ebike parameters.
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    Vado SL 4.0: Alternative pedals , chainring ?

    Hi Ras can you roughly describe your area profile? I‘d say 50% of my rides are flat, maybe 10% around 15% ascent and the rest between 5 and 15% … I like riding my bike unassisted as much as possible.
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    Vado SL grips for max. Hand positions

    Btw, do the grips come with clamps or do I have to order them separately?
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    Vado SL grips for max. Hand positions

    Great - exactely what I have hoped to hear. Cork Ergons will be added to my shopping list :)
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    Vado SL grips for max. Hand positions

    Ergon GP3 are also available in brown cork. Are they as durable as the regular GP3 ? How about water-resistency? Thanks!
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    Vado SL 4.0: Alternative pedals , chainring ?

    Thank you - Looks easy enough for me :) What pedals can you recommend ? (Should be less slippery than the original ones and usable with regular sneakers - no special bike shoes) . How about a different chain ring - can you recommend any ? Thank you !
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    Vado SL 4.0: Alternative pedals , chainring ?

    Hi all I really love my Vado 4.0 SL. Except for swapping the saddle with my good old Brooks the other parts are still original. Yet I am wondering if there are any easy improvements that I could do to make it even better :) For starters I am thinking about other pedals and maybe a different...
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    Mission Control with a Garmin or Wahoo

    Which iPhone version is it?
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    Mission Control with a Garmin or Wahoo

    I enabled „fake channel„ and set it to „cadence“. On the Garmin I saw a new sensor which I connected. I tried to add it to a new training page but it doesn‘t work … Guess I need to do some more fiddling .
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    What apps do you use while making a tour ?

    Hi @Stefan Mikes - I can confirm. I am using the Specialized mount that came with my bike and connect the Garmin with it.
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    Mission Control with a Garmin or Wahoo

    Hi @Stefan Mikes Using „Ebike Field“ from ConnectIQ I was able to connect my Edge Explore with my Vado SL. It shows the battery % and the assistance level. ( I found a German website explaining how it done - I can provide you the link if you are interested). Inspired by your article about...
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    Mission Control with a Garmin or Wahoo

    Hi GrayFox I have a similiar setup: Vado SL 4.0 / Garmin Edge Explore . I would like to display the cadence of the bike on my Garmin. Could you give me a hint what I need to do to set it up correctly. Thank you !
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    Specialized Turbo Vado/Como/Tero/Tero X User Club

    @Stefan Mikes : You mean like like this…. Good Choice ! 😁
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    Firmware Update and Mission Control Problems...

    I recently updated the „Mission Control“ App on my iPhone. Since then, Autosparte ist not working properly: it is set to on but recently it did not record any rides . When I start it manually it shows the message „the ride is too short to record“ after my ride. Is anybody experiencing the same ?
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    What apps do you use while making a tour ?

    I am also thinking about getting a Garmin. I wonder if a used Garmin Edge Touring or Explore will be sufficent … ( I don‘t wont to spend too much money.)
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    Firmware Update for Vado SL

    I totally agree with you. I bought mine like 4 weeks ago. Luckily my shop is just 2 km away. I hope they don‘t charge me for the update…
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    Firmware Update for Vado SL

    Hi I just saw in the Mission Control App that there are firmware updates available for my Vado SL 4.0 . Does anybody know what has changed ? Thanks !
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    What apps do you use while making a tour ?

    I heard about BLevo. Does it work with the Vado SL ? It is not listed in the list… And can it navigate using a pre-defined tour ?