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  1. O

    Shipping Lectric XP

    Stoneyrun - You forgot the helmet, the selfies, and maybe a glamour shot or two to send to rattle the cage of that nasty brother-in-law you never liked. ("Hi, sis, whattaya think of my new Lectric XP? I remember how much fun we used to have riding our bikes on vacation before you married that...
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    Shipping Lectric XP

    Hang in there, Racer, it's the end of the tunnel, and not an oncoming train!
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    Made a magnet on zazzle hoping to reduce theft

    Caught me! I had already decided to solve the magnet removability issue with a nice even invisible layer of epoxy, and may even contemplate a coat or two of spray epoxy clear coat over the top of the magnet just to piss off the little pea brain that thinks he might be able to get a finger nail...
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    Made a magnet on zazzle hoping to reduce theft

    If anyone needs a hint about how to get these magnets, they can start a conversation with me. Mine are already on order. They're a little more than a USfiver each and if you're fluent in English, you can get a 20% discount now now now! just by copying and pasting, but I'll reveal those secrets...
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    Made a magnet on zazzle hoping to reduce theft

    Soyabean, my bad. I meant to address my question to the OP, Stoneyrun, apologies all around, <whacking forehead>
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    Made a magnet on zazzle hoping to reduce theft

    soyabean, might you be thinking about selling them? I might be interested in buying one and suspect others may be as well. I'm sure the forum has rules against advertising but perhaps you can just answer my question.
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    Shipping Lectric XP

    Racer, I gotta be honest. FedEx just spit in my ear and told me my XP won't get here until Wednesday, June 4th! Boy am I steamed. Nah. I'm not really steamed. I'm kinda pleased they had the class to tell me so soon after telling me otherwise. And what's another 4 days? Considering my...
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    Shipping Lectric XP

    Racer, I ordered my same same a day later, but I seem to recall even grimmer shipping estimates. I've had my ups and downs with my lack of info from The Company, and that circus around the tenth of this month sure was fun, wasn't it? I'm finally getting some favorable communication (both email...
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    Need to carry two bikes in a Tesla

    The obvious approach of lifting the folded bike, tires upright, hinge first, into the vehicle and transporting it that way is natural. Carrying the bike sideways, axles vertical, requires different muscles for lifting, for one, and also different space for transport (think tipping over the...
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    Need to carry two bikes in a Tesla

    Johnny Rocket, you've been so much more than kind. I promise I won't ask for a 3-D scan. At least of the derailleur side. At least of the non step through. At least of the original model. Ha ha I break myself up. No seriously, what I actually actually would like is a picture of the shadow...
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    Need to carry two bikes in a Tesla

    And the height of the derailleur guard off the floor is 18"?
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    Need to carry two bikes in a Tesla

    I can see the possibility that horsing the awkward lump around the constraints of the rear door opening might be the challenge, although I can almost see a maneuver that involves a rotation in the middle of the lift that might not require Arnold Schwartzeneveryouspellhisname.
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    Need to carry two bikes in a Tesla

    My engineer's mind sees those slick Velcro straps (just ordered a mess of 'em) - got none of contraktor's mule (!) tape (gonna enjoy havin' a beer with you someday, c), and the leather belts are all long gone, but now we've got the wheels strapped together so we can sort of bundle the lump up...
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    Need to carry two bikes in a Tesla

    Thanks very much. I'm a mechanical engineer who has never touched an XP or ST and am planning to take two soon to arrive ST 2.0s in my Tesla Model 3 on an extremely ambition round the country tour to visit friends I haven't seen in 50 years. Using the folded bike dimensions of 18 x 27 x 37...
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    Need to carry two bikes in a Tesla

    Has anyone fitted two folded Step Throughs into a Tesla Model 3?
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    Lectric XP 2.0 to debut

    Thanks, contraktor, I gather you've received the same offer? Did you also choose to stick with your original order?
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    Lectric XP 2.0 to debut

    Do you mind sharing when your original order was placed? I think they're making upgrade offers in order of date of order.
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    Lectric XP 2.0 to debut

    Have you been given that choice yet? Details please!
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    Lectric XP 2.0 to debut

    Sounds like a more-or-less clean sheet redesign. Who can guess what decisions the engineers, managers, lawyers, imagineers made in developing XP 2.0 and ST 2.0. Only the Shadow Knows!
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    Shipping Lectric XP

    A thousand pardons, folks! The shipment I was notified that was being delivered was a T-shirt, not the bike. Boy do I have egg of my face! Sorry!