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    New huge battery and Concept Bike 2022

    Eurghhhh..... why so much cringe ? Focus on the fracking bike.
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    New huge battery and Concept Bike 2022

    What i know: - gold tone color - 1.4K battery. Integrated in the frame, no more flappy door. - pinion + carbon belt - ABS Which is strange to me because i thought Stromer always argued that a carbon belt with a middle drive train was pointless. I guess it was until they equipped their bike with...
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    ST5 vs Riese & Muller mid drive for hills

    My previous R&M Delite GT was a 25Km/h bike. It was nearly impossible to get it over 25, i even suspected that the Bosch motor was actively breaking any effort i put in. It was absolutely egregious and infuriorating, one of the main reason i sold it and bought a Stromer. I tried a Superdelite HS...
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    New Delite Mountain Rohloff E14 issue..

    That noise would be driving me crazy. Theres no way this is acceptable and i agree with you that you should not be putting up with this, whatever the source of the problem is. If this is the standard Rohloff / bosch sound, i would return the bike as fast as i could. Its 8K Euros !!!! PS: ive...
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    ST5 vs Riese & Muller mid drive for hills

    Thank you !!!! This is exactly what I've experienced as well. Your description is perfect.