Search results

  1. Art Deco

    A 50 pound cargo bike from gocycle announced.

    Lightweight handsome and expensive. Taking deposits.
  2. Art Deco

    Battery market update, not just ebikes anymore...

    Batteries are everywhere.
  3. Art Deco

    (Art)istic eBike

    This is Babs the ebike; named after my wife Barbara . She just arrived and I will test ride her tomorrow. Hopefully.
  4. Art Deco

    Solar Powered Homes

    So here we talk about power for the rest of your time when you aren't on your ebike or even on the grid . Solar panels, charging and discharging batteries, inveters and chargers, running large loads during peak sun hours. Etc. etc. @Solarcabin? @Browneye?
  5. Art Deco

    A folding cargo bike ?

    A link sent to me from Newatlas that I've never heard of. I checked the short url and it's ok but not a normal link ...
  6. Art Deco

    Camping, Glamping, Bikamping

    So this is my way ... closer to Glamping than Bikamping. I saw this family tent in a KOA or similar campground in Texas. They ( 2 adults, 2 girls, 1 10yo, 1 5yo ) began their journey in Portland Oregon. There is no sag wagon or even a support car.
  7. Art Deco

    top picks of ebikes by type Above is Wired list of ebikes. I thought there was a thread of...
  8. Art Deco

    carbon fiber ebike Greg Lemond's ebike company behind the scenes
  9. Art Deco

    a warm bed and shower stuff

    Matching blanket and hot water bottle. A gift so no idea where it's from . The just go towels are chamois and work well, while folding to the size of a book.
  10. Art Deco

    Happy Anniversary Shimano is 100 years old this year and apparently doing well.
  11. Art Deco

    reaction score ? How is it calculated?

    In a year or so, I racked up a few thousand points just by saying " Don't buy a bike you can't test ride, or at least return ". Covid ended that, of course, but it made me curious. If I hit the SAD or ANGRY emoticon in response to a post, does it reduce the posters score? Does LOVE or LOL...
  12. Art Deco

    Great bike ride photos Hope this isn't paywalled, but really nice photos from GB.
  13. Art Deco


    I emailed Montague about the new ME-1 delivery and they responded the next day. The bikes are in stock and shipping with 2 day delivery to Pennsylvania. I must put down the credit card and walk away. Must.Walk.Away.
  14. Art Deco

    Paratrooper video...the first Montague

    Worth a look if you're considering a folder.
  15. Art Deco

    winter solstice

    Well we made it through another trip around the sun, anyway. The English Heritage group is streaming the winter solstice live since no one can go there this year. I'd like to see it again, but apparently it's only on Facepalm. For those who can tolerate that, enjoy. Edit . Found a you tube link...
  16. Art Deco

    Cargobike First time user

    Just a quick link to a Christmas story with a cargo bike and cookies
  17. Art Deco

    rail trails across USA Just a quick article, most notably that it is on the BBC not a US site.
  18. Art Deco

    Are you going to ride in snow?

    I hope to avoid snow but just in case ...
  19. Art Deco

    Group rides around the world
  20. Art Deco

    The missing Monolith again

    So did one of you westerners take it? Looks too heavy for an ebike, but it's on the trail