Search results

  1. Tex Dubbo

    Superdelite Bike Carrier (Thule Towbar?)

    Has anyone looked into Dirt Bike mounts for 2" Hitch (Hayman Reese Hitch) as alternative? Eg something like this - Seems a lot cheaper than dedicated ebike carriers but appears more rugged and can handle the weight. I know this is...
  2. Tex Dubbo

    ordered yesterday

    I've had the Silver 2019 Supercharger GX Rohloff with e14 now for 3 months and 1500k's and still love it. I've only filled my car's petrol tank once in the last 3 months as I use the bike as primary commute to work. I did change the tyres from stock to...
  3. Tex Dubbo

    Rohloff E-14

    Yes it does do that, and its hardly noticeable on level surface, however when accelerating up a hill I find I still have to back off a little.
  4. Tex Dubbo

    Rohloff E-14

    I am so jealous you have the HS. If only we could get that here..... legally.
  5. Tex Dubbo

    Rohloff E-14

    I've had the E-14 now for 3 weeks. Using for commute on cycle paths & roads. I find I use gear 6 for take off and cruise in 11 on level ground. The ratio between the gears is close and find that on flat ground - 6,8,10,11 is all you would really need. 11+ for downhill. Haven't found a hill yet...
  6. Tex Dubbo

    Some questions for owners of R&M Supercharger (or Charger, Nevo, etc.).

    G'day. I'm in WA. Had the Supercharger a couple of weeks now and put on 300K+. Riding it to work 3 days per week. Absolutley loving it. The E-14 works a treat. Just wish it would provide assist up to 35K/hr like in the US versions - but still happy nonetheless.
  7. Tex Dubbo

    Some questions for owners of R&M Supercharger (or Charger, Nevo, etc.).

    Hello from Down Under. I too am waiting for a Supercharger GX Rohloff 2019 version with e-14. I’m expecting roughly end of next week for delivery. Mainly a daily commute to work unit. Expecting to put on about 50km per day. This forum and others has kept me ‘fed’ whilst waiting. Ordered in...