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  1. F

    How many times have you heard "that's cheating!"? ?

    Not heard it to date. Any time I’ve run into somebody that’s recognized it as an ebike it’s been a pleasant experience. Usually just questions...
  2. F

    Suspension vs. Bigger Tires

    When it comes to poorly paved roads, I'd say you don't "need" suspension. I say that but there are many considerations IMO. Do you have bad wrists, back, neck, etc? Do bumps and pavement irregularities bother you physically? What is your budget? When I went to buy my first ebike...
  3. F

    How many with mid drives have broken a chain?

    While I'm hoping I don't ever break a chain. I'm prepared. I carry a chain tool and a spare master link. While I know it be a permanent fix, It should be good enough to get me home or to a place where I can get help should I be out in the trails...
  4. F

    What health benefits have you gained and how much weight did you lose since owning an ebike?

    While I'm one of those people who have lost and gained 100s of pounds over my lifetime. Exercise, regardless of how much I've done has never helped me lose weight. When I exercise regularly my appetite is stronger, so I tend to "maintain" whatever weight I'm at. For me, it's best to lose...
  5. F

    How much of your overall exercise is by riding an ebike? What other exercise do you alternate?

    My ebike is part of my work-out program. I don't commute on it. I work out 5 to 6 times a week. During the "rideable" months, I will ride 3 times a week. The other days I'll use my Elliptical and/or my rower. If I was retired, I'd probably spend more time on my ebike. But by the time...
  6. F

    Looking for tips for transporting laptop

    Whether my ebike or Motorcycle; What I consider delicate electronics be it my Ipad or my drones, they go in backpack on my backpack. Human body is a darn good shock absorber....
  7. F

    Rain and the e-bike on a Hitch Rack

    Since I have an eMTB, I hoping/thinking it's got to be "somewhat" waterproof as you encounter all kinds of weather conditions. I know you aren't supposed to submerged the motor in water. But I would think rain (not driving hurricane-like rain) be okay... With that said, I've gotten caught in...
  8. F

    How do you primarily use your ebike?

    Same here with regard to Winter. Right now I ride quite a bit, but when Winter comes, and we have snow and ice on the ground along with freezing temps, I'll be doing 0 miles as well. I've tried riding in "freezing" temps when the roads were dry, but the cold air in my lungs is not comfortable...
  9. F

    New eBike Brand. Help me with Reviews!

    I think competition is good. IMO, what is very important when considering an ebike is; Quality, Reliability, Support and with that comes Reputation. Those things are what I considered when I bought my ebike and is actually the same criteria I use on anything I spend a large amount of...
  10. F

    Riding barefoot

    When I was pre-teen growing up in SoCal I used to ride my bicycles every now and then without shoes. I used to hardly wear shoes. I remember a few times having some pretty bad scrapes and road rash on my feet. So I always ride with some type of closed toe shoe. I guess also my experience as...
  11. F

    Pedal Fell Off :(

    It is visible. It's held on by a velcro strap that loops through the bottom seat rails. Interesting question about "Theft". I say that as I never thought about it as my bike is purely for recreation and is never left where I can't see it. But if I did, it is easy to remove and put back on.
  12. F

    Ebike counting ... how many today?

    I've not seen any. During the week I ride around the big reservoir bike path that a lot of people use. I would have thought I'd have seen one by now. But i've not. On the trails (I have an eMTB) I've not seen one either...
  13. F

    Pedal Fell Off :(

    Do you not carry a portable tool set for you bike? I have a small tool bag that straps to the bottom of my bike seat that holds a bicycle multi-tool (which includes chain tool), a small crescent wrench, a couple of the larger hex head Allen wrenches, tire irons, spare chain link (master)...
  14. F

    Booby-trapped trails, paths, MUT's and MUP's

    Sad the majority of the videos in the OP is where I live and ride or have ridden. It might have been a year ago or two. Someone dropped tacks along a very popular road that cyclists use for hill climb training. Not such a big problem climbing but descending some of these bikes reach higher...
  15. F

    EBike Shaming

    Sorry to hear that. While I'd like to ride with other eMTBers I know or feel I can't join up with the regular MTB crowd as I know I will encounter the same attitude as you did. And unfortunately, I'm a "hot-head" and comments like that would only lead to a physical confrontation for me even...
  16. F

    Interesting article from a dino site as to why e-mtb's shouldn't be allowed on trails

    I find it so interesting. I started riding mountain bikes in the late 80s and remember working with local organizations so that Mountain bikes could gain access to the local trail systems. I remember all the animosity from Horse riders/owners and Hikers. The constant work we had to do as...
  17. F

    bicycle carrier for Turbo Vado?

    Thule T2 Pro XT 2 for me as well. Able to hold the weight of the ebikes easily and bikes are very secure....
  18. F

    Bike anti theft questions

    IMO, covers aren't a great idea. Based on my motorcycling experience, it only makes potential thieves more "curious". One of the locks I own is a Bully Pager Alarm Lock. While I've yet to use it my bicycle as I don't leave my ebike unattended, I've used it on my motorcycles. Not only does...
  19. F

    How much has your ebike replaced your car?

    None - It's just too inconvenient to "ride" my bike to work. It was also never my intent to use my eMTB for commuting, but as a way to get my exercise done in a fun and enjoyable way rather than hitting the gym.
  20. F

    Flat pedals to clipless pedals and then back to flat pedals.

    I've used clipless on my roadbike and MTB for dozens of years. I'm now using Flats on my eMTB, but not sure I'm completely sold on them. What I like about Clipless on my eMTB; My feet are locked in. On bumpy and technical terrain, my feet won't/don't come off unintentionally It makes...