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    Review: My OneMotor drive (formerly Shareroller)

    On, Court from EBR posts a video on 9/25/2018. The title is: I Get Paid for Reviews... Here's How it Works #TruthInAdvertising On, linberl 08-05-19, 11:56 AM wrote: "Excited to hear that 1M is going to be getting a unit off to EBR for a review in the next several...
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    Review: My OneMotor drive (formerly Shareroller)

    Common sense says: Wait to buy a OneMotor until after there are unbiased, third-party reviews of the product. Paid-for reviews do not count. Reviews by friends, relatives, and associates do not count.
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    Review: My OneMotor drive (formerly Shareroller)

    As you probably recall, the price is not the only nor the most important area of concern I have regarding OneMotor's history so far--I do really want to have a OneMotor or something like it--but it has been the nausea-inducing delays upon delays (for years) along with the ever-present "in just...
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    Review: My OneMotor drive (formerly Shareroller)

    Wonderful! Are they also working to improve the price?
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    Review: My OneMotor drive (formerly Shareroller)

    "Hard to find a not emotionally OM owner, and if then OM Team should find the reason for such an odd case." Sorry, I was being unclear. My question was really: Why haven't we seen any reviews yet from review web sites? I assume it is because OneMotor hasn't sent any out for review--that simple...
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    Review: My OneMotor drive (formerly Shareroller)

    Years ago, I worked in a series of box offices. At one box office for a major-city symphony, our box office manager explained that EVERY seat had a selling point, a story that put the seat in a good light so that a potential customer could feel good about buying that seat. Front row? You can...
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    Review: My OneMotor drive (formerly Shareroller)

    Is there any word yet on reviews from established reviewers or review sites?
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    Review: My OneMotor drive (formerly Shareroller)

    Lin B, thanks for the review and the video. We appreciate it.
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    Lin B, thanks for posting this link and any future links.
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    Five-plus years after the first post in this thread (March, 2014), and--mirabile dictu--one of our own may be getting his Shareroller/OneMotor on Tuesday. Congratulations! (Patience may be a virtue, but I heard it called "waiting with a happy heart." And what is happiness if not a warm puppy...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    First reviews are very good. Are these published reviews? Would you mind posting a link to any published/public reviews?
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    Josh B reported this (on April 1--noted)... Apr 1, 2019 Hi everyone, I just picked up and installed my new one motor electric bike friction drive unit on Saturday Has anyone gotten a ONEMOTOR without going to Jeff's office to pick it up?
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    When is the last time that Jeff kept his word regarding a deliverable to the Indiegogo backers? Never? Does sending out emails count? Jeff, the back half of January March has come and [almost] gone (as have so, so many of your promises). STOP putting out fake dates or guesses as to when...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    The FCC does no testing itself for products. FCC certified testing labs do it. The FCC has a link to a list of accredited testing labs... "A list of FCC-recognized accredited testing laboratories is provided on the FCC website at: " At...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    Your distrust as a prospective buyer is absolutely unjustified. Wrong, Miro. Brian is right, and the distrust is justified. The distrust was brought on by Jeff himself making promise after promise after promise after promise. Dozens of promises over YEARS--not days or weeks or...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    When is the last time that Jeff kept his word regarding a deliverable to the Indiegogo backers? Never? Does sending out emails count? Jeff, the back half of January has come and gone (as have so, so many of your promises). STOP putting out fake dates or guesses as to when something might...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    So it is and was about money rather than product changes and supplier delays? So Jeff has been lying all this time? The dozens of messages from Jeff over the years have all--every one--blamed the delays on new or changed features and/or supplier delay. Are you are saying Jeff's real problem is...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    I am glad Jeff has lots and lots of time to create a new name and a new web site--all that content!--while urging others to get you your products. It must be those bad, bad suppliers, the ones that Jeff picked--in China. Jeff warned us that Chinese suppliers can be difficult to work with; Jeff...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    The latest Battery Pack shipping schedule should allow us to begin your OneMotor shipments in the back half of January, though our production will ramp slowly over the first 1-2 months so it will take some time to fulfill all Indiegogo orders. How many of you Indiegogo folks have received your...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    The latest Battery Pack shipping schedule should allow us to begin your OneMotor shipments in the back half of January, though our production will ramp slowly over the first 1-2 months so it will take some time to fulfill all Indiegogo orders. The back half of January is only one week away! At...