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    What size chain for Specialized Turbo Creo

    What size chain (how many links) do I need to replace my existing chain on my Specialized Turbo Creo? Thanks for your advice!
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    Steering Tube Wobble

    Can you give me a hand with this adjustment to my Creo Turbo? I noticed some play had crept in to my steering tube. Not major, but when clamping the front brake and applying forward force to the frame, I could see and feel a definite wobble. Maybe only a millimeter or two but definitely...
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    Port Hole into Motor Housing

    Anyone know what this port hole into the motor housing (i.e. bottom bracket) is for? See photos. Is there any opportunity for road salt to get into the motor via this hole? Is there any benefit to sealing this up with some electric tape? Or must this remain open for its intended purpose...
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    Loose Cassette Cogs

    I have 1,900 miles on my Creo Turbo. Today, I was changing the rear tire and I took the opportunity to clean the cassette while the wheel was off the frame. I noticed that the cogs of the cassette had a slight play relative to each other, not firmly fixed as I expected them to be. I got out my...
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    Turbo Creo: Anyone have Experience with Salty Roads during the Winter?

    How well sealed are the Specialized Turbo Creo's battery and engine compartments? Here in the northeast, our roads are frequently salted during the winter. I had issues with corrosion on my Bulls EVO, not only where the battery makes contact - relatively easy to clean - but deep in the inner...
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    Drivechain Components for Specialized Creo Turbo

    Can you please post links to the chain and cassette for the Specialized Creo Turbo? On Amazon or wherever. I like to change these every season. (I used to do this regularly on my Bulls EVO. I'm just completing my first season on the Creo and I'm not sure of the precise specs for these...
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    Is a Slime Seal (Tube) Permanent?

    Hi - not specifically an eBike question, but I just got my first slime seal on my slime tubed tires and I have a couple of questions. (Mounted on a Specialized Turbo Creo, in case you are interested.) I felt it when I rode over a piece of shrapnel and heard it clatter away from underneath. What...
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    Is there any way to get USB power out of the Creo battery?

    I'm loving my Creo Turbo. It checks all my boxes. Lightweight Extender Battery 28mph Built-in Power / Cadence / Speed Configurable (via App) There only one feature that I don't see and that would be the ability to plug in a USB cable to draw power from the battery to power a USB device, like...
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    Does anyone know what this little plug is?

    I lost this thing today on a gnarly gravel trail :) . Is that this Rubber Cable Port Plug? Or something else? If I can't get the plug, what sort of bolt do I need? I don't...
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    Range Extender - Initial Charge

    I just got my new Range Extender. It shows one level of power. Is there anything special to do on the initial charge? Should it be topped off? Should it not be topped off? Thanks for your advice!
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    Locking the Creo Motor

    So Mission Control for Creo doesn't have a lock function, but I thought of something creative. Here's a tip. Create a profile called Locked. Then set each turbo assist level to 0% - 10%. When you duck in for a Gatorade, set the Mission Control profile to Locked. No one is going to get very far...
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    Specs for Handlebar Stem Replacement

    I'd like to replace the handlebar stem on my Creo Turbo. I'd like to affect two aspects of the current fit. 1. I want to move the handlebars closer to the seat - less stretch to reach the handlebars. 2. I want to elevate the height of the handlebars so that my posture is slightly more upright...
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    Can I charge three batteries (Creo main plus two extenders) simultaneously with two Y cables?

    Can I charge three batteries (Creo main plus two extenders) simultaneously with two Y cables? In other words, plug the input of the second Y cable into one of the outputs of the first Y cable, giving me three free plugs. Has anyone done this? Thanks!
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    Turbo Creo SL - Road Configuration vs. EVO

    I'm considering the differences between the road configuration and the EVO for gravel. I've been e-Biking for four seasons now on a Mountain profile - Bulls E-Stream EVO 2 (hardtail). I slimmed down the wheels from 3" knobby to 2" relatively smooth, in consideration of the fact that I'm riding...
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    Turbo Creo SL Comp Carbon - Century Riding

    I’m wondering how much battery I'll need to support the long century rides. I’ve been riding a BULLS E-Stream 2 for the past few years. The battery is a beast – 647 wh. The bike is a beast too – 50lb, plus when I do my longer rides I’m packing a spare battery so we’re starting off with 60lb and...
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    Power Meter Installation

    I'd like to install a power meter so I can monitor how much effort I'm putting into my courses. I'm a little confused though about how to do this. This site here...
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    Can we change the culture?

    What is it about eBiking that enrages some of the less rational, less mature cyclists? I've been eCycling for about a year now and this past Sunday I received my first negative reaction but boy was it a doozy. It's all well and good to talk about just passively cycling past and ignoring...