Search results

  1. scrambler

    New Frey Step Through e-Bike

    Frey is coming up with a New Full suspension Step through ebike, less bulky and hopefully lighter than the CC, and more in line with the new generation of FS step through that have been coming out of Europe. Facebook pics...
  2. scrambler

    Looking for Powerfly FS XS frame measurement

    Hi there, I was wondering if anyone here has access to a Powerfly FS (4, 9 eq...) with the XS frame, and of so if they could measure the height between the ground and the top of the saddle with both the dropper post and the saddle in their lowest position. And while in that position, the stand...
  3. scrambler

    New High Torque IGH announced by 3x3

    There is possibly a newcomer for High torque IGH that will take 250Nm of torque 250Nm, 554% gear ratio range, no maintenance not even oil change, 9 gears, mechanical or electronic shifting. Sounds...
  4. scrambler

    Gates 2023 new products

    New belts, new sprockets and even a proprietary tensioner from Gates in 2023
  5. scrambler

    Spare Kindernay Internal Geared Hub Oil kit

    I had ordered an oil kit with my Kindernay VII, which is a 250ml bottle good for 10 Kindernay XIV oil change (25ml) or 12 Kindernay VII oil change (20ml). Because of the delays, they sent me a free one, so now I have two, and that is way too many :). If someone has a use for it, let me know :)
  6. scrambler

    Enviolo Automatiq Retrofit

    So has any owner of and R&M bike using the Enviolo attempted to retrofit their Enviolo with the Automatiq system?
  7. scrambler

    Hydra Small frame 27.5 x 3 wheel size confirmation

    Has someone already received a Hydra with a small frame, 27.5" wheel and 3" tires? If so would you be so kind as to confirm what is the Height between the ground and the top of the saddle when in its Lowest Position? Do mention if you have a seat-post or not, as that usually adds a couple of...
  8. scrambler

    Need Hydra info

    Does someone knows the diameter and thread of the derailleur mount piece that is part of the dropout?
  9. scrambler

    Archon X1 Programming Thread (questions and experiences)

    I am opening this thread as WW is shipping a programming cable for the X1 upgraded motors and I assume others like me below will have questions, or may want to share their own programming experience and results. After watching the WW dec 9th Video below Archon X1 Programming - Creating Ride...
  10. scrambler

    Has anyone heard of, seen or bought the Steinerdesign Ultra E Fully bike?

    I came across a bike called Steiner Ultra E bike online on two different sites below Apparently both...
  11. scrambler

    Spitzing evolution R Pedelec (open Top speed) coming up :)

    For that price it would be nice if it included a Rohloff.
  12. scrambler

    Nuvinci sourcing and installing in the Bay Area?

    Hi, new here, but long time lurker :) I am looking into an E-bike for my wife that would ideally have the following characteristics Integrated Torque / speed / cadence sensor for best of breed PAS IGH, Ideally a NuVinci CVT, ideally with Harmony Gates carbon drive belt system Mid drive with as...