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  1. K

    Maximum tire width on Moscow 27.5

    There are some threads about this subject, please use the search to find them :) max is 2.35 rear and 2.5 front but depends on each individual tyre
  2. K


    Yes! Only crank arms. I have tried 5 different crank arm models and they all fitted perfectly, with enough clearance to the sensor, so you wont have any troubles with that.
  3. K


    I have changed the cranks several times while trying the 1x10 conversion. I tried different models until I found the one I most liked. Most of the problems I had were that different cranks have different spacing (Q factor I guess it is named), so most of the models I tried had a difference of...
  4. K

    What is different about the Das-Kit geared hub motor?

    That is what I wanted to try but they sent the kun ray motor instead of the mxus. My guess is that it wont work either but if anyone tries please comment!
  5. K

    Fathom 2020 Pro SUDDEN OFF!!

    Yeah, I've seen some bikes failing due to faulty batteries, but it is very hard to diagnose when the problem is the battery as it becomes a very random problem :(
  6. K

    GIANT RideControl App 2.0

    not available yet :D
  7. K

    Fathom 2020 Pro SUDDEN OFF!!

    Really sorry to hear that... Giant does not replace bikes usually, you will have to talk to the dealer and ask for a replacement or refund :(
  8. K

    Having problem with my NCM bike.

    Oh, then it is a problem with the hall sensor. I had the same thing after some overheating. It can be easily solved by removing the motor cover and fixing the sensor (normally one solder is gone), but if it is under warranty and you are not in a hurry to use the bike (this was my case), leon...
  9. K

    Having problem with my NCM bike.

    Is the speedometer working? This happens when the display cannot detect the hall sensor, so the auto switch off engages.
  10. K

    GIANT RideControl App 2.0

    Great info, thanks for sharing!
  11. K

    Fathom 2020 Pro SUDDEN OFF!!

    Sometimes you just need to adjust the top two screws that keeps the battery lock in place. I did it once I got my bike and never had a problem since.
  12. K

    1st rear wheel puncture

    Never tried them... but another cool thing you can do is carry a small bottle of sealant liquid for inner tubes and a valve remover and just fill the tube whenever you have a puncture. This way you can go back to home and there replace the tube easily.
  13. K


    As long as you order the same dorado+ case it will directly fit. Technology is evolving and now they can put more capacity into the same space with better cells ;)
  14. K

    1st rear wheel puncture

    Once I had a puncture on the rear wheel while riding with a friend and we managed to remove the wheel and change the tube without turning the bike over, but we were 2 people, so he was with the bike while I changed the tube :D To go tubuless you need a 20-21mm tape, new tubeless valves, new...
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    1st rear wheel puncture

    I have neved turned the bike upside down for tubes repair... :D Anyway after 1 year of punctures I made my wheels tubeless, and no more punctures since then!!! 4000+km on my bike (2000+ with tubeless). I really recommend turning your wheels into tubeless... they are great!
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    2018 Quick E 48t chainring

    For ebikes you should use e11 chains for improved durability
  17. K

    PAS Lag After Downhill

    It's the way it always worked, from day zero ;)
  18. K

    RideControl One issue

    Mine did the same some weeks ago... motor replacement was needed :(
  19. K

    PAS Lag After Downhill

    There is a small workaround I use. Two things to try: - pedal backwards and then forward and sometimes it engages again - increase pas assistance to 6 so it engages again and then back to your desired level I wish the c6 display were cheaper... but 200€ just for that issue seems overkill and I...
  20. K

    PAS Lag After Downhill

    Yes, C7 here, two units, and same issue always... veeery frustrating and I know a lot of users with the same behaviour