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    Whatup from Stuttgart

    Welcome Pooooookie 1000, nice to have you. Good luck, have fun and do ride responsible and safe.
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    Brand new Lectric owner

    Nice to have you aboard GailC47, it’s amazing how it makes you feel good. Much younger than your chronological years. It also makes you want to ride more and more and more. Enjoy the rides and realize that it’s a machine and you must respect it as such. Good luck and ride responsible and...
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    Ebike riding group forum?

    A big welcome to you RobSmith, nice to have you and we look forward to having you. Don’t be a stranger.
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    New member seeking wisdom

    Welcome to the site BRArcher, nice to have you. You could not have picked a better sport than e-biking. Many e-bikers have various ailments and disabilities and riding gets them on the road to recovery. Just remember to ride safe and responsibly. Make sure that you test ride before your...
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    Greetings from South Florida

    Welcome to EBR Adamoni, nice to have you and your wife. E-biking opens up a whole new world. You’re able to ride longer distances, help with going up hills and just basically enjoying your rides and scenery. Just remember to ride safe and responsibly. Good luck.
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    New member

    Hello and welcome to this site. Make sure to remove the battery when transporting and if you‘re afraid of getting the display wet you can either wrap a baggie around it, or remove it altogether. Just back off the screws holding it secure and pull out its power cord. When putting it back on...
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    How to Prevent Flat Tires on Electric Bikes

    Huffy 2 ended tubes come in various sizes and you don’t need to remove the wheel. Just pull open one side of tire with the wheel still in the bike. Cut the flat tube in half and remove. Then put a little air into the new tire and insert onto the wheel. Push both ends together and fill it...
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    Hi jeri, that particular model odometer unfortunately works that way. The only way I can tell...

    Hi jeri, that particular model odometer unfortunately works that way. The only way I can tell is to write down the mileage at the start of the trip. A buddy of mine and i have the Pace 500 and his odometer reset to zero at around 300 mile. Fortunately it was under warranty and was sent a new...
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    Greetings, another Bulls rider in the USA here!

    A big welcome to you Orb, we all wish you well. A wealth of information here. You have a fine looking bike and hopefully you ride problem free. All bikes have issues and yours may be an exception. Respect the bike, and ride responsibly and safe. Good luck.
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    Average age of EBR riders

    At any age, you’re only as old as you want to be, with certain exceptions. I’m 75, a 2 time cancer survivor, a back problem and going on 30. I play golf, shoot pool, walk daily, dance and ride my class 3 bike as much as I can, and I’m still very much attracted to women as well. E-biking is...
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    Hello From Central New York

    Welcome Roguesshadowcat, nice to have you aboard. Get used to your bike first, but more importantly ride safe and responsibly. Good luck.
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    Brombeer nevo3

    Welcome brombeer, nice to have you. You’ve got a beautiful bike and we all wish you well. Good luck, ride responsibly and safe.
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    Hello, eBikers / Snow Canyon eBike Rentals in Southern Utah

    Welcome Snow Canyon to EBR. Happy the you enjoy ebiking and I wish you well on your business venture.
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    2nd ebike, not a cheater :)

    Welcome to you Newby, don’t let them get to you. They’re probably jealous and trying to control you. You do what’s right for you. In time they’ll all be getting e-bikes. That’s what happens when we get older and not able to bike like we remember, or injuries that we may have that restricts...
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    New guy from west central Florida

    A big welcome to you Mitch. You came to the right place. A great bunch of members and helpful when needed. Good luck, ride safe and responsibly.
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    New member

    A big welcome to you Road Brother, I applaud you for getting back into the game, only this time with some assistance. That’s the beauty of e-biking, it’s there when you need it. Beside that, you’re dealing with an excellent company. You my friend have been blessed. EBR is a fantastic site...
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    So... I bought an electric bike.

    That’s a very fine bike. Good luck to you and ride responsibly and safe.
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    Dutchie sends his greetings

    A big welcome to you Ricky. Like you observed there is lots of help here from informed and friendly people. We all wish you well. Be safe and ride responsibly. By the way, send along some photos of your rides and scenery of your beautiful country.
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    Pasty run. West Bay

    Beautiful looking bikes. Tell us about them.