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  1. K

    More People Are Biking These Days — So Why Are Kids Riding Less?

    Agreed. It has to have something to do with the exponential increase in communication. Generally speaking, I'm not sure its any less safer it is now than it was years ago. But if back then parents were hearing of accidents, crime, and missing children (that was all probably happening around...
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    Hello from Everywhere! Friends and Visits?

    Hello Blackviper from the US! Best wishes in your recovery! Ebiking is a wonderful hobby. The combination of fun, being outdoors, and being active, is very hard to beat. Enjoy!
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    Doctor's letter

    Regarding taxes, you all bring up interesting points. Refreshing to hear a cerebral conversation around this. I suspect both points of view have merit. Clearly however, our country‘s finances are clearly out of whack... in deep s*it. No money for anything progressive or forward thinking. The...
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    Walkway over the Hudson

    Hi! Connecticut rider here. Spring is in the air! Could any of you that have done the Walkway over the Hudson (Poughkeepsie) and connecting trails, share your experience with me please? I just got finished watching I segment on public television about it. It looks pretty cool. Worth the trip...
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    Hello From Colorado

    You're Stromer looks great! Also love the stealthiness. I considered them also when it was my time to buy last year. Just too much money though. Could not justify it. That seems to be the common theme. How much to spend, especially when breaking into this new world of Ebikes? Fortunately...
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    Hello from Everywhere! Friends and Visits?

    Oh this is great. I can see I have found a rich resource for my trip. Thank you all for your kind responses. ( and apologies to other readers for this public solicitation of my trip to London ). To give context to the trip, it's my wife's 65th birthday. We are not well traveled. So this is a...
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    Hello from Everywhere! Friends and Visits?

    Biffo, I enjoyed the read. Thought I'd mention, I'm from Connecticut in the US, and I'm coming to London with my wife in May. First time ever. I don't plan to ride any bikes, just play tourist. I suppose I'll find some interesting things to do, right? :-) If you have any tips, feel free to...
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    Hi from Montreal Canada

    Hi Burton. Post appreciated. Love to visit Montreal sometime. How bike-friendly is it?
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    New England eMTBers?

    Hey guys. Just saying hi from down the road a bit. Newtown CT. Just waiting for the temps to rise!
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    Why Americans, particularly millennials, have fallen out of love with cars

    Interesting observation. Never gave it thought that way.
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    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    We finally got that break in the weather to enjoy the fall in the northeast! Last Thursday was my birthday and I treated myself to a ride with sites like this in 69° weather. These moments are what it's all about!
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    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Deeps, thank you for the descriptive note and pictures. Beautiful. Actually reminds me a bit of the commercials we get here in the states for European river cruises (which i'd like to try some day by the way )
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    Magnum Peak Thread

    Hey Dana. Sorry for the late response. I do appreciate you getting back though as there simply aren't that many Magnum Peak owners that have participated in this forum. Since I've gotten my bike, I've changed a little in my riding habits. The very beginning, I was all about conserving...
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    How much of your overall exercise is by riding an ebike? What other exercise do you alternate?

    Age 63. Great question. I can see I'm the odd-ball here. I'm very lucky to have a great group of like-minded guys in my town that I play basketball with 3x per week. (Ages 40-82). Something about the peer-group and existence of a ball that is highly motivational, incredible cardio/run and so...
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    JV, Interesting you mention the boost to tourism. I seems anytime you block-off cars from a urban area and convert to walking only, it becomes the most charming, attractive part of town and a destination. I'm surprised more towns don't do it. Not sure this relates to biking, but it does to me...
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    Ok... what the hell, I'll open the box... i'm feeling feisty this morning: Ah what a lovey thought JayVee. Progressive thinking. Unfortunately, virtually none of that happening here in the US. Money (which i happen to love, lest you all think I'm a communist :) ) rules, and quality of life...
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    Is anybody using eco mode (lowest assist level) on your usual bike ride? What is your usual assist level?

    Magnum bike, Samsung/Panasonic battery. 6 levels. My rides tend to be on the short side. 7-15 miles. Since I'm out for fun mostly, not battery conservation, I ride in the 2 to 3 range mostly. And then once in a while to get up to 5 or 6 when I want to just let it fly.
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    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Mr. Coffee.... I'm just going through the pics here again. Missed your dog the first time around! Amazing! So snug. I had to look closely to make sure it wasnt a stuffed animal! (it isnt is it?)