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  1. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I just found that the lawsuit by Agency 2.0 for non-payment in/over the $500,000 range. Correction: The amount is "$444,713.000 plus interest." representing a fee Agency 2.0 got paid for some costs, but many checks were bounced in the process. "The suit alleges that Sondors and his e-bike...
  2. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    The motor seems to have changed; it is no longer a bafang, 8fun motor, as they would be too expensive.
  3. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I don't think they will go "viral." I think an honest mistake was made by a member of the press (Dan Tynan). Dan has the personal integrity, confidence, and intelligence to evaluate his perceptions, thus he printed a retraction. We need more Dan Tynan's! Less responsible members of the...
  4. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    My experience is that manufacturer (which in this case is Sondors as an OEM manufacturer, is the legal perspective in China where the OEM buyer assumes all liability, and with US law where liability exists across the chain of distribution eg anyone that touches the product) is supposed to have...
  5. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I want to mention that Trek is recalling thousands of its bikes because a flaw in them caused a rider to become paralyzed. Trek is a well known company with adequate insurance, depth of customer support, and significant technical depth in design engineering and testing. It is a major issue...
  6. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    A Sample Letter.. It costs you little or nothing to ask 1) Personalize the letter 2) It is important to be neutral, polite, and non-accusatory. 3) It is important to be factual 4) Certified is always a good idea. Mr. S Rubin Indiegogo 965 Mission Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103...
  7. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    You have protection under US law whether or not you are a citizen. Just mail hard-copy letter(s) to; Federal Trade Commission 901 Market Street, Suite 570 San Francisco, CA 94103 Office of the Attorney General 455 Golden Gate, Suite 11000 San Francisco, CA 94102-7004 You might want to try...
  8. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    In terms of taking personal responsibility, and to reiterate, If you care to file a concern about false or misleading advertising find this FTC complaint template as it can be used by you as a starting point; The "Storm-Sondors crowdfunding" campaign has been centered around the sale of an...
  9. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Agency 2.0 is now suing Sondors for non-payment of its marketing fees and costs associated with this crowd funding campaign. It would be interesting to know the total amount of those fees and costs as the remainder number will give us an idea as to whether or not enough money remains to...
  10. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I want to thank Court for hosting this thread, and for doing tons of hard work as a champion for electric bikes. The issues and concerns with the Storm-Sondors offering are going to play out over the next year or so. If you are buying an ebike you would best be served by selecting one...
  11. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    "Shipping is a variable cost based on volume/location. The more we sell the cheaper it is. We can guarantee it will be less than $194 each for USA and $250 for International." This misleading statement speaks for itself; as the "shipping price" will be the highest fixed price possible, and from...
  12. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    There won't be the financial depth, domestic presence, or responsible party to provide either initial, and at least three years of post-sales support. Basic things such as a number to call for assembly, a process for handling returns, repairs, replacement of defective batteries, and product...
  13. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Another false representation; shipping was supposed to be at cost with a maximum of 194, now it seems to be the fixed-max price of 194. Shipping seems to be used to bully the campaign numbers upwards, and perhaps to create a profit margin where there was little or none.
  14. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    The article posted is factually incorrect. Those purchasing this product will have limited if any remedy since there will be no going concern with which to find recourse with. Frankly, I had no idea that crowd-funding was so flawed. There are many things that could have been done to...
  15. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Of real relevance would be; Whether or not there is a "pattern" or multiple findings of fraud? Has he failed to pay the IRS, has he failed to pay suppliers, has he failed to pay a judgement? From what I know one of the press members I listed was aware of the name change, the press at this...
  16. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Hi, Sugarp, would suggest you email the folks in the Press; [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Of which Dan Tynan - Yahoo Technology is totally professional and responsible with quite a bit of integrity; and Charles Fleming that did...
  17. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I would agree that much of the posting is "circular" {or is delusional worse} and will have little impact. However, This "thread" has the potential to puts fact on record and therein resides the value. I am sure that Storm, Indiegogo, and Agency 2.0 all view the finding of fact to be very...
  18. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Thanks for the insight, bottom line is it is a farce. Show the pretty purple battery and assemble the product with the cheapest green battery sums it all up while creating maximum marketing "spin."
  19. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Storm appears to be posting two types of 18650 cells the pink ones are labeled samsung icr 18650-26f the green ones pictured are unknown. It would be up to Storm to verify that these are indeed Samsung cells; and there is a way to do so, but I am not going to provide him with free...
  20. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    It is clearly stated, "From design to production, below is the final product." The "final product" pictured would be the demo bike! The marketing engine behind this bike has and will say anything.