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  1. F

    Think tolerance for e-bikes is common? think again!

    Of course I was speaking of not over 20 with throttle or assist. If you peddle over 20 fine but motorized taking you over 20 is a different thing. Heck, probably a third of the time I’m riding (according to the screen) my assist isn’t doing anything. But to have a motor drive you 30 mph, it is...
  2. F

    Think tolerance for e-bikes is common? think again!

    While the writer no doubt embellished much of it, there is a valid point. This is another reason I am against higher speed eBikes. I have a class 3, but see no valid reason to go over 20 mph. If a motorized vehicle is capable of going over 20 mph, it should be licensed, insured, and the operator...
  3. F

    when will prices come down out of the stratosphere?

    My 2006 road bike was about $2200. My Magnum was $1700 out the door of my LBS in 2018. To me My Magnum is worth so much more. I’ve put over 2300 miles on it since June, and it’s riding better then when I brought it home. The people that ride a few miles in the Summer shouldn’t buy a $2000+...
  4. F

    GM e-bike

    Saw this on Fox last night and it got me thinking that if nothing else it will increase public awareness. Thrilled GM is doing this, but would rather see them make a more traditional looking one as well.
  5. F

    Great Article on: "What E-Bikes Mean For Your Hard-Won Fitness DOES NEW PEDAL ASSIST TECHNOLOGY DIMINISH YOUR YEARS OF HARD WORK?

    As I have said on another thread, an eBike is just a tool. Like a treadmill, elliptical, or dumb bells, you get what you put into it. Nothing more and nothing less.
  6. F

    Need help with the C6 Controller

    Here of C6 display.pdf is the manual from the Das-Kit site. Same as the one you have, but seems to be laid out better. Doubt it it will help, but worth a try.... I have the L7 so I can’t help you from personal experience. There are several differences, one...
  7. F

    Magnum Cruiser or Rad City

    Congrats! Ride it every chance you get, it does a body (and mind) good.
  8. F

    E-Bikes - Seriously, Just what the Doctor ordered...

    My doc wrote a recommendation for a bike for me, and I did not have to pay sales tax on my eBike here in Texas. LBS took the paper and I saved about $160.
  9. F

    etrike suggestions..

    Ask at this forum for some good help I’ve been a member there for years. The link above is for a sub forum on etrikes.
  10. F

    E-unicycles are getting more popular now. What's your opinion on it?

    Not for me, but different strokes for different folks.
  11. F

    Less Than Ideal Temperatures for Optimal Battery Performance

    Yes lower temps effect battery range. Summer I ride in 85-100 degrees, now in the low 60’s and went from 60+ miles with 2 bars left, to 50+.
  12. F

    Got my Magnum Ui6 - includes periodic updates

    2000 mile update: 2000 miles and all is good. If you have followed me on this journey, you know a couple of times I have spoke of the brakes. I seemed to have to adjust them often, too often. From day one they stopped me fine, but never felt right and I had to pull too hard to make them work...
  13. F

    Bought our ebikes today.. Finally!

    Good looking bikes, congrats!
  14. F

    Gotta Shout Out for a Co. here

    I have heard nothing but good things about them. If I ever decide to go with an online vendor, they would be at the top of my list.
  15. F

    Looking for a visor for your bike helmet?

    I rode motorcycles for nearly forty years, and visors make a big difference for winter riding. Great tip!
  16. F

    Batteries: Less charging cycles or using less battery capacity?

    Batteries are like a lot of things. You can geek out with stressing 80/20 and the charts and graphs, or charge it and ride. I charge the 18650’s in my ecigs to 100% and drain them often till the auto shut off. I do this daily. They last years. I use Samsung 18650’s, just like the ones on my...
  17. F

    bike seats....

    O I C... Sorry, I didn’t know that.
  18. F

    Hub drive vs mid drive, round 2.

    @Jerry LM - Congrats on the Evelo!
  19. F

    E-bike DIY kit explodes and burns down home

    I am a vaper. Just about every week the brain dead media reports someone is hurt by an “ecig” blowing up. The FACT is 90% of the time the batteries are loose in their pocket, and short out on keys...etc. The other 10% is pinheads using unregulated devices when they have no idea what the are...
  20. F

    bike seats....

    Not trying to be a weeny or anything , but where in the post on this thread did any on imply you were a schill?