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  1. Adrian

    removable display?

    BTW, to put together a removable display would be possible I'd not be so sure if it was sold by the "16 Mosfet" ebay guy.
  2. Adrian

    removable display?

    No, I don't have a link but I guess there's something out there somewhere though you don't really need on it's that trivial - you just take off the right crank, plastic cover (3 screws I think), and then the controller section of the BBS is held on by 3 more (I think) screws which lets it slide...
  3. Adrian

    removable display?

    The newer BBS revision manufactured from about June onwards should have new improved mosfets that will help with the overloaded controller issues that have been reported recently - according to Em3ev. I'm not sure if that Finn link has the latest but they've told a Norwegian guy I've talked to...
  4. Adrian

    Ideas for low cost bike

    I think the best that you can hope for on such a low budget is a used ebike that someone is selling very cheap - be careful with these though as there are a huge number of pitfalls to be wary of buying used if you're not bike/e-bike savvy, but you could always be lucky to pick up a bargain. As...
  5. Adrian

    E-bikes in Australia without speed limiters

    Sure, some may be willing and even experienced - you could ask the AFT guys themselves if they can recommend any in your area.
  6. Adrian

    Any RadRover contributors out there ?

    I'm fairly sure it was DHL that delivered my battery from the UK to Norway so hopefully your problems are over.
  7. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    Na, but the difference is that Michelin starred resturants offer you something that can't be had in a fish and chip shop - I know, I've been in several (3* even).
  8. Adrian

    removable display?

    Sorry James but you've been had, there is no 16 mosfet BBS02, in fact, it's not even possible to fit 16. And, for future reference, you can order BBS02 kits from in Norway. With battery, about 11,000 NOK I'd be surprised if there aren't similar sellers in Sweden.
  9. Adrian

    E-bikes in Australia without speed limiters

    Have you looked at AFT? Awesome mid drive system;
  10. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    86 I'm guessing they pay $500 a frame max and it's probably a lot less - the fact that you find it so special is kinda cute but really, I hate to brake it to you but these days, integrated frame batteries and internal cable routing is not a very new or even unusual thing. As I said previously...
  11. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    I see you took my posts personally. Never a good thing. The issue I had with the ST2 is the exaggerated market blurb on their site. I guess, if it were an average priced bike I wouldn't be phased but with an MSRP of $7000 you'd kind of expect more than a heavy commuter bike with a hub motor. At...
  12. Adrian

    EBR is Everywhere

    That would introduce a conflict of interest, after all, what company would link to a crap review?
  13. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    Yes, I agree with most of that. But it doesn't negate my original point.
  14. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    More than adequate is not exactly the same as "enormous" now is it? I have a 750w BBS02 with apparently 120Nm of torque and that feels adequate to me. I'd not describe is as enormous. So yes, I think the marketing hype of Stromer's patently average hub motor, is just that, hype.
  15. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    And I quote, "an enormous 35Nm of torque too". Come on, that's not even close to being enormous - you can get cheap alibaba 250w motors with that.
  16. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    You've missed my point. It's not that it doesn't have it - there's a place for average hub drives on hard tails without front suspension forks but that's not on expensive bikes made to look like something special by marketing rhetoric.
  17. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    Yes, but at 35Nm of torque I can't see why you'd want that over a more powerful hub - the marketing blurb of their entirely average hub is hyperbolic rhetoric at best and, at worst, you could say that it's downright deliberately misleading.
  18. Adrian

    2016 ST Stromer

    Not sure why anyone would pay a lot for a bike which has silly marketing stuff like this written all over their website; "MORE POWER The ST2’s new and more compact SYNO Drive motor not only provides 500W of power, but an enormous 35Nm of torque too: that’s more than enough to put a very big...
  19. Adrian

    The differences are?.....

    I've tried the "brake" method (I have the generic sensors on my hydraulic brakes) but it's not intuitive for me at all. It was much simpler to get used to stop peddling/throttling before the shift but that's far from ideal.
  20. Adrian

    The differences are?.....

    An e-rad kit is a rebranded Bafang kit. According to lectric cycles, they had Bafang add a port to plug in the optional gear change sensor which lectric cycles currently have a monopoly supply. Bafang also modified the firmware to support the gear change sensor - with other gear change solutions...