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  1. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    Ya, I probably should have thought twice about the off road backfield. :eek: It was fun at a cost. :D
  2. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    What is this? BONUS.. I get to try out my tire changing abilities on the front since I ran over blackberry bush in a back field recently and created a slow leak on my front tire. FUN!:rolleyes:
  3. Cnugget

    Am I a hypocrite?

    +30 miles could lead to a shorter life span on a bike :p
  4. Cnugget

    Hello from Vancouver Island

    Hello from the mainland @IslandHopper :)
  5. Cnugget

    New here, would like to say hello to everyone

    Hello @ebiker89 Sounds like you are riding a fair amount and much more gentle than I on the ebike. Looks forward in updates on how the urban works out for you. :)
  6. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    Chuckle. Good Point! :D.. I'd still like to visit Switzerland.. but maybe not live there. Who am I kidding I love Canada eh? :p Seems like replacing or patching a tube is like asking people their opinion on politics! YouTube it is. That and some tools. I had a good look at the patch process at...
  7. Cnugget

    Favorite cycling smart phone apps

    If you are handy with a computer and making your own maps, you can take advantage of the cycle map layer available on openstreetmaps . org using caltopo . com and the FREE pdfmaps app. :D
  8. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    Yes. :D Found some on-line options just no local one's at this time.
  9. Cnugget

    Q: Has owning an e-bike changed your car driving habits?

    Trying my best to use the ebike before the car when possible. Intending to extend the life of my car, reduce emissions etc. Having an eBike makes for good entertainment value too. I tend to be OUT more now which can incur extra costs (dining, shopping).. So I guess it's good for the economy too...
  10. Cnugget

    Choosing between the Voltbike Urban and Voltbike Mariner

    Curious how the Ambassadors work out for you. George was really great at the warehouse and had a bike setup to try out with a bit of advance notice. I ended up buying on the day of. :)
  11. Cnugget

    cool weather gear

    Ak. Winter gear is expensive!!! :eek: Looks like I might have to break out the sewing machine and Franken make something. Lobster mitts couldn't be that hard could they? :rolleyes:
  12. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    Just back from the bike shop. No tubes of that size in the local area, so I had to settle for the patch job for now. I had the local LBS do the repair and watched close up for next time etc. He added some sealant in the tube, lined up my disc brakes, adjusted the position of the gears so my...
  13. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    @J.R. I did check Walmart on-line to see if they had this tire with no luck :( Like you I noticed they have some bikes with this tire size. So far no such luck. It might just be a point of calling around to a bunch of shops for the tube size. @JayVee Move to Switzerland. The perfect answer!! :D
  14. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    @Ann M. I imagine a car mechanic would bite my head off if I was to enter the shop and look over the shoulder so.. it makes sense a bike mechanic might react in a similar fashion. If you hadn't suggested this, I might not have thought it over. Thanks for the heads up. :) I did call a shop to get...
  15. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    Thanks @Rincon & @J.R. for the advice. I may be stuck with a repair right now because finding a replacement tube of 20 x 4 tire size may take some time. Hoping to get up and running tomorrow (fingers crossed).
  16. Cnugget

    Volt Bike Mariner 2016: So far so happy! Observations as they happen.

    After 1200 km's, surviving a crash into a ditch without ill effect(at least the bike didn't get any boo boo's) and it's first gear tune up, I have my first puncture from a 3 inch nail on my rear tire(lucky me). :oops: Plus side, I may learn something since I have no experience changing or even...
  17. Cnugget

    First Flat on my Fat Tire :( What is best?

    After 1200 km's on my Mariner Volt Bike, I have my first flat from a 3 inch nail. :eek: My tire size is 20" x 4" and the flat is on the rear :oops: aka where the hub motor is. Should I take it to a LBS (quoted $15 repair) or attempt to repair myself? If I take it into a bike shop should I get a...
  18. Cnugget

    cool weather gear

    Making a list of cold weather/rain weather gear: Pogies!! hehe...:p Anyone ever consider a rain suite Onezie? :) I keep thinking it would be great to jump in, zip up and go.
  19. Cnugget

    Road Rash Hurts LOL

    @J.R. Crazy crash story... I wouldn't have wanted to be in that! I noticed there was a road kill skunk in the same area were one darted out in front of me.. Poor skunky...:(. I'm a cheater(so I'm told by passer by's each day). So I'm ok if I'm not a "real" cyclist. @Berry78 ..."fawned out"...
  20. Cnugget

    Road Rash Hurts LOL

    Thanks :) Hopefully there won't be any repeat skunk crossings in my future but at least I could look forward to a lighter hair colour.. errr.. color on a positive note. Had second thoughts about riding this morning but sucked it up.