Recent content by NBS

  1. N

    My chain is jumping off the chain ring on my Creo

    I had the same problem and wrote to Specialized. Here is the response: I'm sorry to hear that you Creo is having issues with your chain dropping. There is a chain guide available to order, it is a service part so your local Specialized retailer can order it for you. I've checked stock and we do...
  2. N

    Power Pedals on Creo?

    I just added a data field for power. If you have the 1030 you do it under bike profile-activity pages-add data screen. Then you go to “power” and there are a number of options (average, 3 second, lap power etc). Once you have the field added the Garmin just picks it up. I am quite sure it is...
  3. N

    Power Pedals on Creo?

    I have a Garmin 1030 and the power readout is me, not motor. That said, I have Quark power meter on my non-assist Trek and have found that there is a big discrepancy between the numbers I see on that vs the Creo. I actually did a field test to determine new training zones on the Creo.
  4. N

    New carbon wheels for Creo?

    I am interested! Here in USA. Pls advise how much $/shipping details etc. You can email me at [email protected]
  5. N

    Creo - long climb range?

    We have a number of climbs comparable to this where I live. I mostly do them in some combination of eco and sport (with sport set to 55% assist). I can do a 2 hour climb keeping it in sport about 70% of the time and end up with about 35%-40% battery at the top. I’ve never tried it in turbo...
  6. N

    Turbo CREO Comp SL - XS (Updated pics)

    I have a Small and I use a standard 20 oz bottle on the down tube in a standard bottle cage with no problem. I can fit the larger 24 oz size on the down tube with a side access cage but its a bit awkward so I really only use it on longer rides where I need extra water and then I stop and use it...
  7. N

    2020 Como 4.0 Too Easy to Pedal

    What bike do you have? Creo or one w a bigger motor (ie,Vado?). I change to a lower eco setting on my Creo when I am riding with slower and non e-bikers or doing a flat ride, but if I am riding longer distances or climbing a lot of hills I am happy to have the 35% default and find I can get as...
  8. N

    New carbon wheels for Creo?

    So, I have also been wanting to upgrade and emailed Specialized. Here’s what they said: Hi Nancy, So, aftermarket wheel upgrades for the Creo is going to be tough at the moment. The Creo hub spacing is unique for a road style bike. The hubs on the Creo wheels are wider. They are 148mm wide in...
  9. N

    New carbon wheels for Creo?

    Bontrager told me they would have the Aeolus with the correct hub spacing available midJune. Specialized has them on the Expert but not aftermarket yet.
  10. N

    Western US distribution stalled post Utah earthquake

    I’m here in Utah also and I know shipping was screwed up for a bit following the quake, but my understanding is that now they are simply out of stock on things and production is slow because of Covid, staff shortages, etc. I am waiting for something myself (and waiting..and waiting...). I wasn’t...
  11. N

    FIXED: How do you add rider power to Garmin on Specialized Creo SL?

    That would be my guess. Try it. It worked for me.
  12. N

    FIXED: How do you add rider power to Garmin on Specialized Creo SL?

    I tried to use the fake channel to show motor power and had the same issue. For rider power I just use the regular Garmin field for power that you will see as an option when you set up your Garmin data fields, where you set up the head unit for cadence, speed etc. There are a number of different...