Hello from Everywhere! Friends and Visits?

Hi all,

Looking to buy a Cargo E-Bike and did so much research my head is spinning and still haven't made a decision.

My budget was $600 but after the research I figured I have to up it some {on a budget} so the most I can spring is $1000.

There's one bike I'm thinking about {not sure if I'm allowed to post Amazon links} but it's a little over $1000 and they want $200
for shipping so I have to wait for a sale ,that's if one ever comes. I'm on SS and retired recently so have to watch my funds.

Was wondering if anyone here can tell me if the bike is good enough {safe} for the price they're asking ,it does have hydraulic brakes . I read about getting hydraulic brakes on this forum ,thanks !
I got my Ecotric 1000 watt ebike for $1200.00. With better tires and some other additions like seat suspension and better seat etc. it's been a real winner for me. Check them out. Free shipping from Oakland Cal.!
Hey , thanks for the reply . I'll take a look at the Ecotric 1000,thanks again.
Yea, they have many models. Me and my girfriend both have them and they seem to be well made. No big problems so far. Been riding them for three years now. I have the Seagull. She has the Leopard. Both have front suspension. Good bang for the buck!
Hello! My name is Randall. It was recommended that I come here after my first Ebike experience ended in a fire and non existent customer service. I was told I could be more informed for my next purchase. So, here I am.
Welcome! Ecotric has good ebikes at a good price. Not the top end type but good ebikes that hold up. Good customer serice as well. I'm not a associate of them just a happy customer.
Hello from South Wales UK. I'm on a few other bike/e-bike forums but figured I'd join here as there seems to be some quite specific knowledge I might want to draw on as I'm looking for my first cargo bike. I know this is primarily an American forum but it seems like there's a bit of a UK representation. Use case is commuting, carrying the nipper to school/nursery and hopefully some longer trips/touring with my son. Currently doing the first two 5 days a week and whilst manageable it is quite fatiguing over the course of a week.

I've gone back and forth on a few plans including DIY conversion of an existing bike, Tern HSD, Quick Haul, R&M Multicharger and now quite attracted the Cube long-tail, it seems like a lot of bike for the money when comparing specs. Just need to work out whether it's possible to add the 2nd battery as a retrofit as I probably can't afford the 1350 model initially (though would like the additional range if I start touring on it).
Hello from South Wales UK. I'm on a few other bike/e-bike forums but figured I'd join here as there seems to be some quite specific knowledge I might want to draw on as I'm looking for my first cargo bike. I know this is primarily an American forum but it seems like there's a bit of a UK representation. Use case is commuting, carrying the nipper to school/nursery and hopefully some longer trips/touring with my son. Currently doing the first two 5 days a week and whilst manageable it is quite fatiguing over the course of a week.

I've gone back and forth on a few plans including DIY conversion of an existing bike, Tern HSD, Quick Haul, R&M Multicharger and now quite attracted the Cube long-tail, it seems like a lot of bike for the money when comparing specs. Just need to work out whether it's possible to add the 2nd battery as a retrofit as I probably can't afford the 1350 model initially (though would like the additional range if I start touring on it).
Welcome aboard! See lots of little ones hauled around on cargo ebikes here in Southern California. Having good bike infrastructure and drivers generally pretty used to bikes makes it reasonably safe.

Other members have a lot of experience with cargo ebikes. I'm sure they'll chime in.

Good luck!
Welcome aboard! See lots of little ones hauled around on cargo ebikes here in Southern California. Having good bike infrastructure and drivers generally pretty used to bikes makes it reasonably safe.

Other members have a lot of experience with cargo ebikes. I'm sure they'll chime in.

Good luck!

The infrastructure (and driver attitude) situation is historically pretty woeful here, that is changing though, with big changes in London over past decade, other councils are now making efforts to catch up. I can ride about 30% of my commute on segregated paths, most of which are 2 way, which can be a bit annoying, with extra stops to cross the road, but better than nothing. There was a lot of negative press when they were built but I think attitudes are turning now the weather has turned and they're being used more.

The biggest threat I feel now is from delivery riders on deregulated home-brew e-bikes. The speed I see some of them going I think it's only a matter of time before we see a high profile death/incident. Of course this probably pales into insignificance compared to car related deaths but you can guarantee it'll make front page news with the regional 'papers' and annoyingly they mostly insist on using the bike paths where they're in close contact with legal cyclists and pedestrians.
Hey everyone, I’ve been on quite the journey recently, trying to figure out my next big purchase: an e-bike.
After doing a ton of research and getting excited about the possibilities,
I’ve narrowed it down to one brand—Himiway. But before I take the plunge, I thought I’d reach out to this group for some real-world advice!

A little backstory: I’ve been looking for an e-bike that’s both durable and comfortable for long rides, but also can handle a variety of terrains.
Before the official intro I just wanted to say if anyone lives in SoCal, NorCal, Vancouver, South Florida, Colorado, Austin or another area with lots of ebikes and wants to go for a ride, grab lunch or even has a couch to crash on... sound off! I've met some great people here in the past and enjoyed visiting and experiencing new locations with a local friend. Comment or message me!

Hey guys and gals, this is Court Rye! I created EBR in 2013 to help people understand and better choose electric bicycles for their lifestyle and budget. My own first purchase was confusing, expensive and frustrating... I bought online and felt like I spent too much when the bike actually arrived. I had never assembled an ebike before and wasn't sure if I'd be able to get help from a regular shop if I messed something up or it broke and I wasn't sure if anyone would ever want to buy it used someday if I decided to upgrade or just move on. It was a tense day and I felt very alone, there were very few resources at the time but one that I relied on a lot was ElectricBikeReport.com run by my now-friend Pete Prebus!

Given how awesome this technology can be (health, community, and affordability wise) I was inspired to start reviewing bikes in my free time outside of work. I bought the domain electricbikereview.com for $1,500 and launched a WordPress site before eventually launching this forum so people could help each other. These days I'm so busy traveling and being "everywhere" trying to review the latest tech that I'm not on the forum as much as I'd like but our staff of @Angela M., @mitchhackleman, and @troehrkasse are here for you and they are great! I'm always open to more help so feel free to message me here or contact me directly if you'd like to join in. I believe in transparency and objectivity and do my best to disclose advertising relationships and moderator relationships etc. but still speak critically when need be. Please do the same, tell the truth and help people or at least use tact if you're on the attack :)

Just below is a video I shot before jumping into EBR full time. I was working for a tech startup in Austin, TX and using ebikes to commute to work... the bike in the video is an Easy Motion Neo Jumper and was my third electric bike! I finally felt like I had found one that worked great for me and was excited to share the experience with the world.

As always, thanks for being involved here. Your comments, helping each other and feedback to me make this place special and it means a lot. As always, ride safe! Here are a few pics of me doing reviews, this is how the magic happens baby XD

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Update! In March of 2018, EBR and me were featured in an article on Bicycle Retailer and Industry News (BRAIN) magazine. It was an honor, but they were not able to fit in everything and I wanted to thank Ann M, Darlington, Tara, Brent, and Jeremy who have all helped in various ways to make this site and community possible, I love them and also appreciate everyone here who has contributed to this positive and useful space. I got permission to share the story here, and it's embedded as an image below along with some additional images I shared but that were not used (the last one is my Grandfather, who also loved riding bikes):

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A news station recently did a story on the history of EBR and they interviewed me. I got the full footage and posted it because it covers lots of topics, like how to pick an ebike and why they're awesome :D here's the video:

Hi folks newbie here from dublin ireland ☘️my first ebike was a foldable bullit the very first vid i watched on utube was from u guys reviewing it i got it secondhand and fell in love with it ive kept it as i just cant let it go it takes up no space still works perfect build like a tank and is the most plesent bike ive ever rode. Nowadays ive a haibike old style hardtail bosch middrive and a giant entour e+ 2 excellent bikes but the giant is giving me trouble not turning on but both bikes are workable yamaha and bosch and both will be getting a refresher kit this year i like to get hands on with bikes,so thats just a lil about me im off to check the forum now to try figure stuff out i know im in a good place now and would like to thank admins for excepting me into what looks a class bike head place to be ✌️☘️
Hey everyone, I’ve been on quite the journey recently, trying to figure out my next big purchase: an e-bike.
After doing a ton of research and getting excited about the possibilities,
I’ve narrowed it down to one brand—Himiway. But before I take the plunge, I thought I’d reach out to this group for some real-world advice!

A little backstory: I’ve been looking for an e-bike that’s both durable and comfortable for long rides, but also can handle a variety of terrains.
They have a nice range of fat tire e-bikes. Prices seem reasonable. I’m a little wary of direct sales since Juiced just went away a few months ago, but I’m not sure there’s a better way to go. Good luck!
Hey everyone! Great to see such a friendly and passionate e-bike community here.
I’ve been riding e-bikes for a while now, and recently, I got my hands on a lightweight mid-drive e-bike that’s been an absolute game-changer for both city commutes and off-road adventures. It’s got a powerful 250W mid-drive motor, a long-range 630Wh battery, and hydraulic disc brakes for solid stopping power. What I love most is how smooth and natural the pedal assist feels, it’s like getting an extra boost exactly when you need it!
Took it on some scenic trails last weekend, and it handled everything from gravel paths to steep climbs effortlessly. Curious—what’s your favorite kind of terrain to ride on? Always looking for new spots to explore!
My ideal surface is pavement but on a dedicated trail through the woods. Next would be packed dirt or gravel trails. I like keeping the bike clean and that is hard to do on dirt requiring more chain maintenance
Hey everyone! Great to see such a friendly and passionate e-bike community here.
I’ve been riding e-bikes for a while now, and recently, I got my hands on a lightweight mid-drive e-bike that’s been an absolute game-changer for both city commutes and off-road adventures. It’s got a powerful 250W mid-drive motor, a long-range 630Wh battery, and hydraulic disc brakes for solid stopping power. What I love most is how smooth and natural the pedal assist feels, it’s like getting an extra boost exactly when you need it!
Took it on some scenic trails last weekend, and it handled everything from gravel paths to steep climbs effortlessly. Curious—what’s your favorite kind of terrain to ride on? Always looking for new spots to explore!
Welcome to the forum. :)