Creativity is on the decline


Active Member
It seems like everyone is buying a ready-made e-bike, which isn't necessarily a bad idea, but where are the creative builders? The DIY, Kits and Custom Builds section is less popular.
The more creative builders are other places. Endless sphere is a good example. This site is geared more towards the “average” e-biker. Though there are some very not average ebikers here as well.
Ebikes have gone from niche to mainstream. Most people don't want to deal with the hassle and headache of sourcing and building their own, troubleshooting, etc, they just want to pay someone money and get a bike to ride that works.

Also, as ebikes have become more popular, the options available have massively expanded. Unless you want something unusual or just like building and maintaining to be a project itself, theres no particular reason to DIY.
Thats Amazon for you, Ive had so much trouble bleeding those ludicrously over engineered sram Guide brakes that I just bought another Shimano brake, works like a dream.

It seems like everyone is buying a ready-made e-bike, which isn't necessarily a bad idea, but where are the creative builders? The DIY, Kits and Custom Builds section is less popular.
Remember the hot rods of the 1950s? A hot rod wasn't built from scratch or from a kit. Its purpose wasn't necessarily to win races or shows. A hot rod was a modified old vehicle, but many who drove them could have bought new vehicles. The new-car market was about fashion. A hot rodder wanted something that better suited his needs.

I've bought 4 e-bikes. I sent 1 back because it was hopeless. I modified the other three. Some visible changes look so unconventional that I think they dissuade thieves, but all are to improve function for me. The chain guard is a reason I bought my Abound. A manufacturer could easily put one on any single-chainring bike, but I guess chain guards are unfashionable. I figure the Student Driver sign will be very functional if it saves me a ticket. ;)

right rear.jpeg
All bikes now have fast steering. MTBs and cruisers have thrown me on my chin 6 times since 2008. Custom frame builders will not consider returning the steering caster to the pre 1990 value. Extra frame is required to clear the additional trail of the front wheel, which does not fit standard jigs anymore. Custom frame builders do not build custom forks.
My 2017 yuba bodaboda has only thrown me on my chin one time since 2018. My bodaboda that was designed for short people that climb hills with groceries has been discontinued since there aren't many such people. I will have to build my own bike if I wear this one out. All prebuilt bikes have displays. i find that displays short in the rain. I ride in the rain frequently. I run a controller that requires no display which is sold for scooters, not bicycles.
I had the perfect motor, a 1000 w 48 v mac12t, but I wore out the clutch. I have spotted clutches allegedly to fit a mac12t, but aliexpress will not sell to me. Aliexp requires a code sent from my bank within 10 minutes of inquiry. Aliexpress site locks up my computer so badly that it has to be rebooted, which takes more than 10 minutes. No US vendor will sell macmotors. Cutler has a website on ailbaba where the Mac12t is listed, but you have to buy 8 of them and import directly from China.
I am going to have to open the existing mac clutches, and try to repair them. Innovation will be required. Meanwhile I have 4 350 w bafang motors, that burn out on the steeper hills I ride. 2 are burnt out already. I don't want a mid drive, see the display rant previous. Besides I ride unpowered most of the distance, and most middrives except bafang & brose drag the motor with my feet if I ride unpowered. Changing a worn out chain takes longer than changing a worn out front hub motor. Changing a front tube is no sweat, since I have extra length in the wiring to the motor & don't even have to unplug it to get the tire off. Prebuilt bikes never have extra length wiring to the motor driven wheel. It looks messy.
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Some visible changes look so unconventional that I think they dissuade thieves, but all are to improve function for me.

You've got the Perfect Frame for hooking up a one wheeled trailer.


It would mount low so you could pull a Ton of weight without as much wobble effect of high mounted ballast.
All bikes now have fast steering.

I'm with you 100% !!
All my two wheeled vehicles had slow steering except my mountain bike, so I tried to adjust my rake angle.

I wanted to cut the steerer tube off and reweld it back on at a better angle, but I suck at welding and this is the best that I could manage,..


I did some research and found out that I am a Slacker, but I grew up with a floppy wheel and got used to riding that way.


I could always ride my slacker bikes slowly, I just had to work harder, but a quick steer bike at high speed is a white knuckle ride to keep it going in a straight line.
A slow steer rake angle will float into a corner and hold itself there until you bring it out of the curve.
With a quick steer bike, you have to use force to keep the bike going where you want it to go all the time.
I find high mounted load does not cause excessive wobble unless >90 lb.

My old e-bike is a POS and the forks are completely shot.
It's bad enough as it is, but with 50+ pounds in the box, it wobbles all over the road.


It's a Blast riding it though.
It takes a lot of skill and practice to keep it on the road.
It's more fun than a clown bike. 😂
